Mike Rudd

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Hot Dog Stand Marketing Vol 10.5: Personal Brands Continued

Consider this part DEUX of the Personal Brands step!

Two weeks ago we discussed what a personal brand is and how to figure out what yours might be.  In personal brands volume 10.5 of the sales series we will do what all love to procrastinate: ACTION!  This week we will focus on the action steps you need to take to have success in implementing personal brands into the world.

Personal Brands Without Action Are Just Mothballs Gathering In The Corner of Your House!

It starts with my Hot Dog Stand Marketing Version of Sales. It is my own creation, my mission statement that I use each and every day. Ten Building Blocks for sports sales success no matter what decade/age we are in.

All 10 of these building blocks are explained in much more detail throughout my various books or at one of my action-led speaking engagements.

We are finishing the final step up today! Here are the previous stages that I have gone over the past few months.  These are traits and steps to ensure that we thrive; and don’t just survive; in the sports sales world for the coming months, years and decades.

Today we march onto volume number 10.5! And an action that is never ending. An action you will need to constantly build and evolve, but an action that is essential to thriving in sales.  There are two parts to step number ten.  Today, in part two of the personal brands step, I will give you tips and advice to get you going on your own personal brand!

Number Ten (And a Half!): Personal Brands

How can I get started in taking my idea of a personal brand and beginning to execute?

1) Creating valuable and original content.  

You have decided on a personal brand.  Whatever that focus and story is, it now needs content.

And valuable content that is original.

There are multiple ways to do that.  For instance, on Marketing Fun With Mike, some of my original content includes my marketing blog, Twitter; where I do a sales tip of the day, Spreaker; where I do a monthly podcast and Facebook; where I do a Hot Dog Stand Marketing Pick of the Week.  You need to choose platforms that you are most comfortable with.  If you really don’t want to write but are comfortable in front of a camera then it’s time to launch a YouTube channel.

And the content needs to be valuable for the audience you want to reach (ask yourself “Why does anyone care?” before you publish anything”) and original because no one likes someone who steals!

 2) Begin building relationships and connections 

Building relationships in the online world is not just following someone on twitter and them following you back.  That’s the face to face world equivalent of exchanging business cards but never speaking again or reaching out.

Join in on the conversation through social media platforms with thoughts and engaging info that might offer value to other people.  From there begin to take the step from just being a connection with people to actually having a relationship with them.  That relationship could be email, face 2 face, a skype call or a facebook note. But it’s personal and it goes beyond just a follow, link, like, heart or thumbs up.

This is a never ending conquest.  To make more relationships and connections.  Because once you do there is a chance they are going to see or hear about your original and valuable content that you have been creating (see step 1) and perhaps get something out of it.

3) Keep adapting and keep adding

You don’t start overnight by offering webinars, writing a blog, having a million followers, etc.  You need to keep adding avenues and platforms as you find new ideas and get better at what you are creating.  And you need to constantly evolve and adapt what you are currently doing and be ready to change it at any moment.

4) Learn who you want to reach and who you can help

Your personal brand is supposed to be your story. An engaging platform that shows your story, in relation to your career and life, is different than anyone else’s in the world and you can help others.

Well who are those you want to help?

For instance Marketing Fun With Mike would like to reach the following groups:

Clients or Prospects who might see my valuable marketing tips and want to consider working with mePeople looking for a career charge and searching for their hot dog stand and needing some fun motivationRadio station, media outlets or sales forces that may want to hire me to train their sales teams down the roadSmall businesses who might need marketing consultationSeminars or companies looking for engaging speakers for their upcoming conference or event in the business world or from a motivational standpoint

And there are others.  But those are a few of my main focuses.  From there I create content for what I believe these people may want or need.

Darren Rowse said at the World Domination Summit this past year that you almost want to create a draft of who you want to reach and then write for them on your blog.  Let’s say you want to reach Women between 18 and 45 in Southern California who want to look fashionable but can’t afford the Rodeo Drive Luxury Handbag Lines.  Create content targeting them and showing them the alternatives you have found through your fashion and design business.

5) Be Yourself and Don’t be Afraid of it

This is key. Personal brands that don’t display the true nature and personality of someone are difficult to maintain.  And people don’t let it pass the authentic test because they can sense the “fake” in it.

Please be yourself in everything you do in life, but especially when working on personal brands. Because they are PERSONAL and should be who you are.  And never apologize for who you are.  Don’t be afraid of it.

I’m quirky and strange at times, often very over the top positive and I get very emotional and excited when I talk about wide spread changes in certain sectors of the world.

And I’m not sorry for it.

People have told me to be a realist, that things just don’t work that way, or that I’m an idiot.  But I don’t apologize nor do I hold that against people who tell me that.  In fact I appreciate it because I know that the status quo slowly starts to bend when people say things like that.

6) It’s rarely a sell

Don’t just start trying to sell yourself and everything you do all of the time.  In fact it’s rarely a sell.  I like to say it’s a pull tactic not a push mechanism.  You aren’t spamming someone, you are putting your story out there should someone be intrigued and want to come closer to see what you have.

7) Learn from the best!

Don the Idea Guy Snyder, Gary Vaynerchuk, Bob Burg, Brian Solis, Chris Guillebeau, Tim Ferriss, Bill Simmons, Writers, Athletes, Accountants, Salesman, Plumbers, Hot Dog Vendors, Beer Brewers, it doesn’t matter!  There are many cases (completed and ongoing) that you can follow to see what they do to give yourself ideas of how you can create your unstoppable personal brand!

Personal Brands Are Now Figured Out With These Easy Steps. Thanks Mike!

I wish I could tell you that was the truth.  Personal Brands pull together the other nine steps of my Hot Dog Stand Marketing Version of Sales.  They put your story out there to the world; and it’s a chance to see how small we really are in this universe but how we really can make a dent.

The biggest thing, I believe, in creating successful personal brands is having a never say die attitude about it. You must march on. No matter how bleak you believe it may be. The light is right around the corner.

There is more you can do beyond these seven steps of course.  But if you figure out what your personal brand and story are and you start implementing these seven steps you’ll be well on the way.  If you get stuck with doing that send me a note at and we can figure out what is next for you!

Carpe Diem!
