Mike Rudd

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Get worked up build from the Ground UP

We all have our concerns and our worries that keep us stressed during the day and tossing and turning at night.
It seems that a lot of these issues go back to things that "we can't control."
Perhaps you don't know where to send your child to school to adequately prepare them for a world that is very different than the one you grew up in.
Or seeing how it is Election Day there's apprehensiveness over the candidates you are going to vote for or the issues you will support.
It could actually be as simple as not feeling like your legacy is being imprinted on this world in the way in which you had imagined many years ago.

There is not an easy solution or a simple answer for this.
It's a struggle to break through the noise with something you think truly matters or to move the needle on an issue that you are passionate about.  
Trust me I experience it first hand every single day working on making MFWM the one stop global shop for helping people live the lives they want and deserve.
But more often that not we don't make the attempt or if we do we are unsure of an impactful way to do it.
Taking a step forward each and every day is the only way to start making changes in our lives and in this world.

First you need to have the time available to do it in what is slowly becoming a 24/7 world.
My final case studies have wrapped up the first of five Extraordinaire Recipes and this first one is the Efficiency Recipe.
I'm redesigning my website for this program for you and it will be available on January 2nd, 2015!  I really do think you are going to love it.
Make sure you sign up for the newsletter to get the best pricing and all the bonus items in advance of the rest of the world!

After you have the time you need to decide what to do with it.
But how you do then build a community idea from the ground up and make it relevant around a growing issue?

Understand the issue, empathize with the issue, and then decide on the benefits of what you will do.
Look at everything out there and decide what you are most passionate about, most knowledgable about, and can help the most with for this world.
The issue with the schools for instance (these are just example issues and solutions to get your mind working) 
may just lead into a volunteer based summer reading program to cover extras in the arts and sciences world that are not getting
their fair play in the classrooms.
For voting maybe it is a true monthly town hall meeting to address the crime and hunger problems in your county and an action plan to get the county working with the people who live in it.
Or a gaping hole…there's a big giant hole out there that needs to be filled and you understand with what it needs to be filled up with and you have the passion for the gaping hole to fill it.

Because it's fun and because the world needs people AND organizations willing to tap into their passions and build something from the ground up that will benefit others.
That's why you do it.
Do you need extra time to do it?  Yes.  The Efficiency Recipe will give you that.
Do you need persistence?  Yes.  It's hard and will be frustrating.
Do you need help? Yes.  It's hard to do it alone.
Do you need to decide on one idea?  Yes.  You can do more after that but one will take plenty of your time.
Will you grow as a person, help others, and truly put a "hot dog stand" of yours into the world at full display?  Yes.  Don't forget to look at it all before, during, and after and appreciate what you have done.

The action is simple today.  Get your mind working on three issues that work you up and if you have a passion to tap into one of those.
The grill out sessions are your 1 on 1 time with me where we start to actually build and implement this idea.  Mike@MarketingFunWithMike.com for more info.

Until next time…thanks for being part of the crew…invite a friend who you think will enjoy being part of the crew as well.  It's the most wonderful compliment I could ever receive.

Spread good vibes, demand the best from yourself, Carpe Diem!