Mike Rudd

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Putting into Perspective

You want to have a million dollars…most people wouldn’t reject that.
You want a job that will give you security for the rest of your life and a comfortable and hopefully early retirement…most would enjoy that as well.
You want to have a political system that hinges on favoring your beliefs after each and every election.
You want your team to win the Super Bowl.
Your child to get the scholarship.
Your grandparents to live until they are 100.
Your car to never have an unexpected repair.
Your community to not have rush hour.

It’s all good.  I would enjoy each and every one of these things as well.
But the time comes when putting into perspective what is important and what is going to give you that passionate life needs to be examined.

Why do you want all of those things to happen?  
What emotions are you getting out of that?
Odds are happiness, security, and comfort rank at the top of the list.

Let’s say, just in case of course, everything doesn’t go your way each and everyday.  Tweet it!
By taking a step back and putting into perspective what is important you might find that everything on your list or all of the feelings and thoughts you are driving yourself to obtain are sitting right in front of you.
And you can obtain by realigning your perspectives.
Go over that list again.

You want to have a million dollars. (You don’t want to have to be up at night being concerned about money.  How much money is actually needed to have that emotion.  Calculate your monthly expenses and multiply by two years.  That’s probably a lot more doable to have in a retirement account in the coming years.  Start there.)

You want a job that will give you security for the rest of your life and a comfortable and hopefully early retirement.  (Look at your list of things you want to do in your early retirement and do one of them in the next six months.  The security at a job isn’t going to be there, but the security of doing a job you believe in might be me more important and there are lots of those out there.)

You want to have a political system that hinges on favoring your beliefs after each and every election.  (My friend Anthony Iannarino who joins me on the now released Efficiency Recipe said to stop worrying about them and just outrun them.  That seems a lot easier and much less worry than trying to get frustrated when your guy doesn’t win.  Of course still vote and advocate for change you believe in, but outrun them so you can just do your thing.)

You want your team to win the Super Bowl.  (Or do you just want to have a good times with your friends watching something that gets all of you excited.)

Your child to get the scholarship.  (There are lots of amazing things your child does every single day, focus on those incredible moments while they are around living with you.)

Your grandparents to live until they are 100.  (Somewhere someone does have that happen every day, be thankful it occurs and appreciate the moments you have.)

Your car to never have an unexpected repair.  (Make a new friend at the repair shop and laugh about how silly you were to think your car wouldn’t have a repair and that you would care so much about a “thing.”)

Your community to not have rush hour.  (If you despise the rush hour there are opportunities to work late or early, switch jobs, ask to work from home, or move close.  Or you can always switch to audio books and listen to a book on tape every day and finally finish all of those books your high school English teacher encouraged you to read.  Then when you are home you aren’t diving right into read and being distracted from those you care about.)

If we have a roof over our head, food on our plate, and the internet capabilities to read this post then maybe putting into perspective the thought that things are pretty damn good even if some of our crazy list isn’t achieved is just fine.
Especially realizing how crazy that list is and if we realign perspectives just a bit we can be just as happy and secure as we care to be.
And that’s something most would be comfortable living with.
(PS: Unfortunately there are some bad things that happen to us and the world that can’t be put into perspective.  Remember how the man who was honored yesterday in America with a national holiday would have acted in a troubling situation and I hope it helps you.)

Take some action now!  Look at one thing that seems to be troubling you personally and one professionally and try to put into perspective a way that it doesn’t seem so daunting, far fetched, or a headache in your life.  And turn that mindset into a habit and routine.

Thanks for being part of the crew and for reading, the biggest favor you can do me is to share a post with a friend who might enjoy it.  

The Efficiency Recipe will be a game changer for you if you are up for doing incredible things in life but feel there’s not enough time in the day.  And my books are always here to inspire and help you laugh.

Spread Good Vibes, Demand the Best from Yourself, Carpe Diem!