Mike Rudd

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Do Your Job Differently

Have you ever actually seen how radio is sold more times than not?
Radio orders are typically sold not by the ideas for the client but by the thousands of listeners you will reach through a computer program.
A successful radio campaign if you ask a salesperson may not be whether or not the client had people coming through their door purchasing products but rather “They got a great deal!” or “We gave them a ton of free stuff with the purchase!”

That doesn’t sound like marketing that taps into someone’s heart and soul like I talked about last week HERE.

But that’s okay.  Because I sell radio differently.  And a lot of other outstanding people in the world do too.  My boss Todd, my friend Ross, my father in law Dave, and my friend Leslie all come to mind.
We sell it by focusing on how many calls a client is getting saying they heard the radio spot on our station, how many people are signing up as a lead on their website, and finally how many people are actually purchasing as a result of the campaign.

I sell radio by helping solve people’s problems and hopefully delivering happiness as a result.

We sell ideas that strike a chord with the customer and help the client build a relationship with a customer that can last a lifetime.  Click to Tweet that!
We build programs from the ground up like the 97 Day Challenge, The Free Youth Basketball Camp, Little League Teams of the Month, Scholarship Programs for at risk kids, vacation giveaways for people who can’t afford it, and Cancer Fundraising Events.
We work with businesses that are in business to help people, not just selling something to make a nice profit at the end of the year.
That’s selling radio differently.

I’m here to say to you…to whisper in your ear…that just because everyone else around you does your job a certain way…
You don’t have to!

If you think you can do your job better.
Help more people in a different way.
Get better results for the company you work for.
Do your job differently.

If I sold radio the way everyone else did I wouldn’t have been able to create community programs that helped people lose weight, train for races, support non profit foundations, give away free smiles (wouldn’t that be a great giveaway!), and so much more.
I wouldn’t be able to go out and see people and laugh with them every day.  Because I’d be too busy trying to sell them something by bashing them over the head about how good of a deal it is.
I would probably have never created the Marketing Fun With Mike blog or podcast, written two books, or created the Efficiency Recipe to give you #2MoreHours per day (The Efficiency Recipe by the way is on sale!!  Get a copy HERE!)

Radio has been my hot dog stand since 2004 and before I even came up with the whole "hot dog stand" theory. 
But if I hadn’t done radio and my job differently the whole time I don’t think it would be my hot dog stand.
Hell…I probably wouldn’t still be doing it.
Quoting numbers of free radio spots as a measuring tool for a client doesn’t seem like the way a guy who dresses up in a hot dog costume and talk about marketing with a soul would like to live.

Passionate living awaits.  
At your job…Solve problems…Deliver Happiness…and everything else should take care of itself.
It’s worked out okay for me and many others.

At the end of your life you will have an opportunity hopefully to reflect back on the work you did.
If you know right now that you can do your job better by doing it differently…

A couple of things going on around here you might have missed:

1) I have a new podcast with Inventor Chris Hawker right HERE.  Take 20 minutes and get inspired.  Seriously…Chris brings it in this podcast.
2) When you sign up for my newsletter I have a brand new free gift “Three Hot Dogs Cooked and Served”!  There are sign ups all over this website...just pick one my friend!
3) The Efficiency Recipe is on sale for $29.00…that’s a friggin’ steal!  Click this to go to it!
4) My two books are available HERE and great Valentine’s Day presents…give the gift of hot dog love.
5) Thanks for being part of the crew…I’m grateful you are here and hope you leave a comment, tell a friend, or email me at mike@MarketingFunWithMike.com

Spread Good Vibes, Demand the Best from Yourself, Carpe Diem!