Mike Rudd

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Strong Indicators

At Trident Design (a product launch company) where I’m the VP of Sales we help corporations, startups, and independent inventors with resources bring their products to life (and to market.)

We use indicators to back up every step of the process.

We won’t go forward to the next step without strong indicators that the research and data is telling us to take that step.

The more I have been looking at “strong indicators” my shift has become increasingly towards using them not just at Trident but in all aspects of life.

Strong indicators will work in many different capacities.  That online date you set up didn’t go well but since he showed up 30 minutes late, didn’t remember your name, is only talking about himself, and he split the bill you have some pretty strong indicators that maybe this isn’t “The One!”

Likewise there are strong indicators that can direct our course of action in how we market ourselves i.e. building a personal brand.

What are a few?

  1. Favorable responses but also tough love from family and friends.  When people think you are onto something they are more likely to give you honest open thoughts instead of just a pat on the back.
  2. Increased opportunities.  If they are popping up the more you build it keep moving forward instead of making a pivot.
  3. Your own passion.  Don’t forget about yourself.  Nothing is a stronger indicator than how you feel about doing it everyday.  If your personal brand doesn’t feel right and you aren’t passionate about building it that’s a signal.

If you are ready for a 30 day immersion into how to build a personal brand from scratch to gain control in your life and separate yourself from others in your industry grab a copy of my Personal Branding Recipe today.  It’s just $29.00, one new profitable meeting will pay for it.

And don’t forget to listen to those strong indicators of what the data is telling you in each step of your life.  Swing with your gut but also let the data lead where and when you swing.

Thanks for reading today everyone, I’m always grateful that you are here!  Shares of the content are appreciated and comments are always encouraged below.
If you like to read pick up a copy of one of my books HERE or read more posts below.

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Spread Good Vibes, Demand the Best from Yourself, Carpe Diem!