Mike Rudd

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Crossing with the Chicken

We all know why the chicken decided to cross the road.
But what about you?

It can seem a little bit more daunting to cross with the chicken to get to the other side than the chicken made it sound.
The chicken probably hasn’t worked so hard to just to get to the side of the road they are currently on.
Chickens don’t have to worry about horrible bosses (just watched the sequel…it’s a must see if you enjoy laughing until tears roll down your face!), budget cuts, raised costs of manufacturers, additional required degrees, crying babies, car problems, medical issues, family drama, debt, natural disasters, social media timelines, cash flow, and just about any other worry or concern you can think of!

Or do they?

Everyone has their own concerns.  Everyone has good things, bad things, easy things, and difficult thing going on in their lives.
They will never stop coming at us.
But if we choose to stay on one side of the road and never explore the possibilities and opportunities that might come with crossing with the chicken then all of our problems and worries might go away because it’s the safe side.

Or they might all still be there and we’ll never know what would have happened if we did a little gobble gobble and did a crossing with the chicken to the other side of the road.

You don’t have to risk your life or anger your entire family with a wildly immature decision that lacks empathy.

But you can consider crossing the road.  To open your eyes to what might lie ahead and in your future.

I say this to my wife every day but there’s never been a better time for us to do anything we want in this world.  
Personally and Professionally.
Whatever it is you want to do…you can attempt to do it.
The internet, the connection economy, technological advances, science, and knowledge have opened the doors for us.

A lot of it lies on the other side of the road.

Do you want to cross with the chicken?  The choice is yours!
(I know one thing that might be on the other side…hot dog stands galore!)

The Efficiency Recipe is now out for $29.00 you can win back 730 hours per year of your life.  Grab a copy HERE.

Thanks for hanging around here, I’m glad you are doing it.  Bring a friend to the party who you think will enjoy it.

Spread Good Vibes, Demand the Best from Yourself, Carpe Diem!