Mike Rudd

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Passionate Living Volume Six: Dancing

Sometimes living passionately involves doing something you are incredibly horrific at but you enjoy doing anyways!
For myself…that is the art of dancing and singing.

How jealous…actually mystified would be a better word…of the world class salsa dancers from Brazil, tango instructors from Argentina, or even the cast of Grease! (If it wasn’t for the smashing success of Look Who’s Talking John Travolta might have just made dance movies and musicals is whole career ha!)

Either it’s simply not something I’m very good at.  It’s also simply not something I will ever stop doing because I enjoy it so much.
Putting on your favorite record on a rainy Saturday morning or being the first person on the dance floor at an otherwise drab wedding reception can truly brighten your day and the mood of all those around you.
And I can’t find a better way to describe “passionate living” than brightening your day and the moods of all around you.

Dancing can make you feel alive anywhere at anytime.  Whether it’s grooving with friends, taking lessons at Fred Astaire, or doing it as a profession.
It can ignite a fire inside of you.  Give you a reason to smile and laugh while doing something incredibly active.
One of my favorite quotes is “Dance like no one is watching.”  It personifies how I feel about dancing.  I’m terribly below average at the art but I’ll continue on as if no one knows that I am.

My wife was a dance major in college and her eyes still light up when talking about the “good old days” of dancing the day away.

It doesn’t matter your budget, what part of the world you are from, or what kind of day you have had.  Dancing can be an outlet for you.  A way to rid yourself of any stress that may be lurking inside of you and a way to unleash your inner self out to the world.

The next time you are bored, stressed, or perhaps considering leaving that wedding reception early…get out onto the dance floor of life and live passionately!

Now without further ado I’d like to give you my five favorite songs to buggy down too…

1) Rapper’s Delight by the Sugarhill Gang
2) Smooth Criminal by Michael Jackson
3) Little Piece of my Heart by Janis Joplin
4) Nothing but a G Thang by Dr Dre and Snoop Dogg
5) Rich Girl by Hall and Oates (only if my wife is dancing with me…because she LOVES herself some Hall and Oates!)

What are yours?  Has dancing ever alleviated or given you something more?  
Leave a comment below!

Thanks for being part of the crew as always, I’m glad you are here!  Let me know any questions you have in how I can help you grow and thrive in your professional career in sales, marketing, efficiency, or personal branding at Mike@MarketingFunWithMike.com.

If you need help with finding your hot dog stand my BOOKS will help and if you finally are ready to free up 14 hours per week to live the life you want and deserve purchase and download a copy of my Efficiency Recipe for just $29.00 to get the ball rolling, and rolling fast!

Spread Good Vibes, Demand the Best from Yourself, Carpe Diem,
