Mike Rudd

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Help Wanted: BB Camp Volunteers

In 2014 the radio station I worked at really let me tap into a passion of mine and something that only a few months before was merely a dream.
Together we built and hosted an entirely volunteer run and free admission youth basketball camp for 110 kids entering 4th thru 8th grade in the Columbus Ohio area.
It was a first come first serve event with no strings attached.
And it was awesome!

Now we are back…I’m no longer at the radio station but I’ll be helping my great friend Emily from the station and all my friends there put this event together once again and hopefully reach our goal to “Give 100 kids in Central Ohio a day they’ll never forget!”

To put together an event like this you need a HUGE group of people willing to donate a half or full day of their team to help you out.
So consider this my “Help Wanted” ad for our 2015 Youth Basketball Camp!

Do you want to volunteer or know someone who would be a great fit to volunteer?
Here are the details:

Friday August 14th in Westerville Ohio from 8am to 4pm.
Volunteers needed in the following areas:
1) We will need instructors from 8am to 12noon that have extensive coaching experience in basketball and an ability to run one specific drill to multiple groups of kids throughout the morning with ease and expertise.
2) We will need “coaches” from 8am to 4pm that have passed background tests to work with kids and can take them from station to station in the morning helping the instructors keep them on task and running the drills.  Then eat lunch with them.  Then feel comfortable coaching their teams in the afternoon.
3) We need some refs!  From 12 to 4pm either coaches who are comfortable putting on the Zebra outfit for an afternoon to ref games or of course anyone with basketball referee experience.

Email me directly at Mike@MarketingFunWithMike.com if you are interested, available, and fit in one of these categories.

And for all those who are just reading along…remember…you can build an idea from the ground up and turn it into whatever you believe you can in this world!
This is a prime example of something that could have stayed on the sidelines forever but instead we took some action, threw in a little hard work and sweat, and now hope to have an ongoing event that benefits kids in the community.

Why?  Sometimes doing something for no reason to help others is just fun!

Spread Good Vibes, Demand the Best from Yourself, Carpe Diem!