Mike Rudd

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Selling Your Marketing

I don’t recall coming up with a more confusing blog post title but hang tight and I think it will all make sense!

Will this marketing piece work?
Are we able to develop a marketing strategy around this?
How is our social media marketing going to complement our business?
What direction should we turn our digital marketing towards?
When we do internal marketing with our employees will they be accepting?

All good questions.  All will be faced by companies as small as a one person flower shop and as big as Nike today.
It is possible to spend your entire life coming up with marketing ideas and strategies for a business you work for or your own company.
But at the end of the day how do you get them to start being implemented, executed, and working?

By selling your marketing.
You have to sell each and every marketing piece that is created.  We create marketing programs with so much enthusiasm and then we often times cross our fingers and hope for the best as they enter the world.

Selling that marketing strategy.
Sell the living heck out of it.
If you spend countless hours, days, and weeks creating something you truly believe in isn’t it time you rep it with passion?

This isn’t sleazy pushy sales either.  
This is showing the positives and the benefits of this marketing and sharing your relentless excitement for it.
This is about getting the team excited about it.
Then this is about getting everyone you run into when they ask you what you are doing at work pumped about it.  (Aren’t we all tired of saying “Oh nothing really just busy” when asked about our careers.)
Then it’s about selling that marketing with the same level of “ra ra” as you have when your kid’s sports team hits the court for a championship game.
Get excited.  Get pumped.  Get jacked.

Don’t let marketing that will help this world fall flat on its face because it wasn’t sold after it was created.
How do you sell the marketing?
1) Share the story of why and how it was created.
2) Tell what it’s going to do to change that person’s life
3) Tell why it’s got you so darn excited
4) Give examples of people it has already helped
5) Paint the picture of the future in their minds.

And if you can’t sell your marketing with those points, then it might be time to get back to the drawing board.
But I’m positive if you are hanging out here there’s not a lot of half ass behavior going on.

I hope that title wasn’t so confusing after all…

What else is happening around here?

I’ve been in the process of helping put together the 2nd Free Youth Basketball Camp in Columbus so the Personal Branding Recipe has been on a bit of delay.  My apologies but it will be ready soon!

But if you really want to hear some inspirational stories, please treat yourself to some of the PODCASTS.

If you are in sales, marketing, or a business owner and you can’t seem to get ahead…consider my Efficiency Recipe.  It is $29.00 and I guarantee it will give you 14 more hours per week to live the life you want and deserve.

Thanks for getting down here and for reading this post, you rock.

Spread Good Vibes, Demand the Best from Yourself, Carpe Diem!