Mike Rudd

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Your Marketing has to Care

How do you get people to care?
It’s an interesting question that I have been posing to myself and my clients a lot lately.
I’ve been working on some “cause marketing” campaigns as a consultant and to me it seems like a no brainer to get people to care enough to take action on the cause.

My wife also just wrapped up her first Columbus Walk to End Alzheimer’s as the walk director and everyone did an outstanding job and I was proud of her incredible work.

But it was another chance to pose that question often in the weeks leading up to the event.
How do you get people to care?

There are 1,200 non profits in Central Ohio.  All with their own needs and initiatives.
The clients that I am working with are just drops in the bucket in comparison to other businesses on our planet.
How do you break through that clutter?

It’s at the point that your marketing has to care.  There are no ifs, ands, or butts about it.
If you don’t show that you care and prove that you have empathy consumers will go with someone else who does.
There are too many choices.

But even if your marketing does care there’s no guarantees that it will work.
Your odds will be greatly swung in your favor and there are a few others tips on strategy I’ll add in here as I’ve been searching for lately.

1) Connect with the emotion people get out of working with you.  Not what you are selling.  We spend too much time thinking about products and dimensions instead of why people actually want or will feel when they have what you represent.
2) Authenticity matters but an urgent call to action matters.  Sure you need to care and implore others to care.  However if you don’t have an urgent reason to ask them to care and a call to action in how they can care you might still be left high and dry.
3) Don’t compare yours to anyone else’s.  Model the uniqueness and build your community that way.

Your marketing has to care.  Even if it does that is only the first step.  But if it doesn’t even show that you care you will be stuck in the starters block forever.

Caring is living.  Caring is being human.  Caring is listening.  It shouldn’t be hard to implement living, listening, and being human into your marketing.

Take action and decide on one simple way you can immediately have your marketing start caring more, and email mike@MarketingFunWithMike.com if you are stuck!  If you don’t have the time to do this you might want to consider a copy of the Efficiency Recipe HERE!

Related Posts
1. Passionate Language Coming Alive
2. Blabbing about Marketing
3. Marketing Reimagined in Five Ways

Thanks for reading this post today, just a mention that a share of the content is always appreciated!

Both of my books are always available on Amazon HERE.  Get started on your passionate living journey with “Hot Dogs, A Little Marketing, and A Lot of Fun” and use the action steps in the sequel “When can I Ketchup and find my Hot Dog Stand?”

Spread Good Vibes, Demand the Best from Yourself, Carpe Diem,