Mike Rudd

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Self Limiting Sales Beliefs


We had a good reminder about self limiting beliefs last night at basketball practice for the team that I coach.

The words came out of my mouth and I stopped in my tracks and realized what I was saying.

Self limiting beliefs have the opportunity to rob you of your full potential.  They have the potential to be with us in every aspect of our life.

To defeat and crush them is to not buy into them.  As Chuck D and Flavor Flav from Public Enemy said “Don’t believe the hype!”
Since this blog is focused on business and living a passionate life I wanted to share some self limiting sales beliefs that can possibly prevent us from reaching our full potential in our sales skills.


Belief #1: I can’t hit that number.

Yes you can.  If you come up with a plan, crunch the numbers to see what it takes, and start implementing and executing that plan.  Don’t take no for an answer.


Belief #2: They didn’t understand what I was offering.

That’s the time to take a hard look in the mirror and make sure it wasn’t a YOU problem.  Is there a way you can better help explain the offer or make it more valuable for the customer?


Belief #3: People don’t like salespeople.

People don’t care for shifty, shady, and squirmy salespeople.  A passionate, empathetic, leader who is in sales and offers value and real time solutions will definitely be liked.


Belief #4: I’m not on the right team.

It’s very for us to point fingers at the team surrounding us and say whose fault it is for any shortcomings.  But how do you perhaps work to improve yourself and the team around you for long term success?  That plan has much more opportunity than giving up on your teammates.


Belief #5: Where are the good leads?! I need the good leads!

Words from Glengarry Glenross! The leads get better when we focus on solving problems and delivering happiness instead of a pushy close to get a quick deal done.  The good leads are right in front of us.


Do you have any other self limiting sales beliefs you want to add?

The more we can push to rid ourselves of these notions in our life the more opportunities we have to live the life we have always wanted and deserve.

Attack self limiting beliefs with passion and optimism and let them fall by the wayside.

They only exist when we buy into them.

Thanks for reading today and being part of the crew, shares are always appreciated and if you are looking to improve in your sales career my Efficiency and Personal Branding Recipes found HERE are great online programs designed to set up strong building blocks for you to change how you work.

My books are HERE and are part sales, part passion finding, and part hot dog fun.

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Spread Good Vibes, Demand the Best from Yourself, Carpe Diem.