Mike Rudd

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Getting back to people with a sense of URGENCY

When I’m not talking about, empowering the media sales industry, hot dogs, or marketing I’m working with kids as a volunteer basketball coach.

One major point we have been putting emphasis on this year is with the team is having a “sense of urgency.”

We want to practice on Tuesday nights in the middle of the season with a “sense of urgency”, when we are up 20 on a team we want to play as though we are down 20 with a “sense of urgency”, and we want treat every moment like that.

Life can be tragically short and as a team we want to take an opportunity to relish (hot dog pun without even trying!) to act as though this could be our last chance to be on the basketball court.

The Ohio State football team this year went 12-1 but there are a lot of murmurs that maybe they didn’t play with that sense of urgency they needed until after they lost to Michigan State and that caused their one small trip up.  That one small trip cost them a shot at playing for a national title.

In media sales and the sales management world it doesn’t matter if you are offering radio, TV, digital, billboards, or social media.

There needs to be a sense of urgency with getting back to people and getting them high octane programs that will produce results.

It is “fine” to just go through the motions at basketball practice early in the season.

It is “fine” to finish 12-1 instead of 14-0.

It is “fine” to offer a client the same program that has worked okay year after year.

But if you have a sense of urgency then “fine” is not good enough for you.


How do you do that?

  1. Get back to people.  I don’t mean you are driving down the road emailing and texting.  But if someone calls you get back to them and determine when you will get them what they need and stay true to it.  I see that not happen all of the time.

  2. Spice things up.  Create programs with a sense of urgency as though it were your money and you were the business owner.  Would you spend your money on it?

  3. Don’t settle for the status quo in terms of answers.  If a client tells you “yeah I think it’s been okay” don’t smile, shake their hand, and walk out.  Dig deep and come up with to make them next time say “That worked great, I’m glad we did it.”

Empowering yourself with a sense of urgency in your work gives a sense of purpose, an opportunity for people to truly respect your time and programs, and a chance to not just go through the motions.

If you don’t think you have enough time in the day to do this kind of work...then try out the Efficiency Recipe HERE!

It will free up at least two hours per day and it’s the same tools I used as a media sales rep and continue to use today.

Books are always HERE as well!

Thanks for being here and staying cool!  Comments and thoughts are encouraged and shares of the blog are always appreciated.

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