Mike Rudd

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Canterucci's New Normal

I had the pleasure and honor of speaking at the Cincinnati Consumers Choice Awards Winners Luncheon and they invited me out to the dinner for the Columbus winners.

My friend Jim Canterucci (who also reps the #CBUS) was the speaker and it was the first time I got to see him live.

We had spoken at a few events on the same day but I had always missed out on the chance to see him speak and he didn’t disappoint!

Jim really focuses in on leadership within companies and he had a great thought that I think applies to directly what we talk about on this site a lot.

The above picture of his slide says it all.  It’s brutally honest.

Are we overhead or as my blog on Tuesday said, are we all in?

It doesn’t matter what age you are or what your experience is if you are willing to learn, grow, and evolve you aren’t overhead.

I hope this serves as a little bit of empowerment for you.  You aren’t overhead.  Don’t let anyone tell you that you are.

Give value, solve problems, and deliver happiness.

It’s definitely the new normal in business if you want to thrive and not just survive and lead the charge instead of being overhead.

Check Jim’s work out at JimCanterucci.com he always brings his A game!

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Spread Good Vibes, Demand the Best from Yourself, Carpe Diem
