Mike Rudd

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1 for 1 Clean Water in 2018

I hope you and yours have had an amazing holiday season so far and are excited for another new year.

New year’s resolutions are very popular but rarely stick.  It’s a lot easier if you put it out there in the world to have people hold you accountable :).

Hence my announcement today of my 1 for 1 Water Program in 2018.

Charity Water is an organization I have fallen in love with.  Partly because I believe water is all the body needs to survive, and lack of water is all it needs to die.  Also because of their authentic, open, and easy approach to giving.

You donate $30.00 to Charity Water and they have determined that gives one person access to clean water for the rest of their life.  That’s not even marketing…that’s cold hard facts!

In 2018 Marketing Fun With Mike is taking a deeper step on our giving side and joining Charity Water’s “Spring” program which is a monthly donation based program to give more people on this planet access to our most needed resource: Water.

And every client I have gets to be a part of it!  No matter if I you join my Marketing Mastery Club (rollout of this next week shhhhh!), hire me for a speaking workshop, or you are one of my clients I have worked with for years month in and month out you will be getting people clean water.

How am I doing this?
Each month every client I work with that month I will give clean water on their behalf to one person.
Here’s an example: If you work with me all 12 months in 2018 there will be 12 donations on your behalf to Charity Water and you’ll be giving 12 people clean water for life!

You can check out my 1 for 1 Clean Water page HERE for more info.
If I have say 14 clients that I work with in January then 14 people will get clean water.
I’ve always said you are a part of my crew, now I’m really trying to make you believe and see that.

Why am I doing this? Because I believe the giving is the getting.  We are blessed in life but some have better opportunities than others to get ahead.  I want to help others have it be easier to get ahead and live amazing lives.  Clean water access is a big part of it.

I want to do it, I’m excited to do it, and I want to GIVE BIG in 2018. 
So there it is…1 for 1 clean water now at Marketing Fun With Mike. 

Welcome to the clean water party my friend!

What is your vision for 2018?  This is one of mine and I’d love to hear yours in the comments below.

Next blog I’ll have my final exciting announcement of another new rollout from Marketing Fun With Mike for 2018.

Thanks for being a part of the crew and don’t forget to get a copy of the PMR Book HERE.  I am doing a month long contest in December.  If you purchase a copy and tell me you’ll be entered for two FREE HOURS of social media and digital marketing consulting with me.

Happy Holidays to YOU!

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