Mike Rudd

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The Passionate Marketing ThinkTANK

This blog has incorporated fun and marketing since its first post back somewhere in 2010 or 2011.

For those of you along for this entire journey so far, wow and thank you!  If this is your first read, wow and thank you!  Here’s an Espresso Salute to all of you: Pura Vida!

I’m grateful either way and excited to have you here today as I announce Marketing Fun With Mike’s “Passionate Marketing ThinkTank” experiments that are happening here moving forward.

Passionate Marketing I believe is about focusing in on your hot dog stand (for the newbies it’s a metaphor for passion and calling in your life) and pushing passions into something more than sideline hobbies.

It’s the opportunity to give up on being miserable at your job.  To rid yourself of the “going through the motions” attitude and to stop being a walking business dead.

Over the comings months, and hopefully years, my content is going to revolve around my own ThinkTank experiments, businesses, and passions that I am doing in my life and show you how the behind the scenes of it all.

You will see the successes, failures, bottlenecks, and shifts from a raw and unedited side that I have not shown prior and most quite frankly would probably not be willing to show you.

The reason I’ll be doing this is to show you more of the passionate marketing and sales strategies that I implement and use for both myself, my clients, and all of my projects that I am putting out in the world.

Here are three starter tips if you want to implement a ThinkTank experiment of your own:

  1. It gets to start with identifying a passion that can be possibly more than a sideline hobby. (See my BOOKS page for details on getting a copy to understand and implement this more.)
  2. Incorporating a sales strategy that involves being yourself and having true authenticity for what you are building. (See the Sales Recipe and how to make this a reality!)
  3. Everything revolves around digital marketing as it starts.  Digital marketing allows you to build a community of raving fans and possibly customers from all over the country or the world.  

You can bootstrap ideas quicker and scale faster with digital marketing.  But before you start you get to identify what passions you want to attempt to scale and then how to sell them.

My vision is to have fun testing, learning, tinkering with projects that have sat on my sidelines for a bit too long!  And then ultimately creating a few new ones!

Welcome to the ThinkTank.  The fun starts later this week!

Incorporate my starter tips and get going on your own project hand in hand with me.

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1. Community

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3. Hedgehogs Revealed

Spread Good Vibes, Demand the Best from Yourself, Carpe Diem!


PS on further support:

  1. Free Bi Monthly Videos are HERE.
  2. If you are an individual and are looking to build something from the Ground Up then I’d suggest the Recipes or inquire about my coaching services.
  3. If you are a business owner, marketing director, or sales manager for a company looking for a speaker on marketing or sales my Speaking Page and Kit are HERE.  If you want to inquire about digital marketing support mike@MarketingFunWithMike.com