Mike Rudd

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There are certain places that make you feel over the top with joy when you enter them.

Certain coffee shops, restaurants, parks, workout facilities, bookstores, etc.  You just know your time spent will be extraordinary.

Why?  You can get coffee, bagels, go for a walk, run, or buy a book at a million different places.

Community is WHY.

Businesses that understand the value on community create a different level of relationship with their customers.

Ones that build their brand, marketing, and even their sales efforts around community curate a different type of appreciation from their customers.

They show how much they care and they do it with heartfelt honesty and transparency.

Community is a game changer for businesses.  Place your customers and prospects at the same level of how you treat your best friend, boss, or mentors and community will shine through.

When community takes over as the focal building point of your business or your career within a company then things just seem to naturally fall into place.

You might refer to it as fate or luck but it’s actually the power of community and the work you are doing to curate a powerful one in your work.

Want more concepts and ideas on how to have a career that empowers you and those you work with?

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