Mike Rudd

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Basketball Camp THINKTANK: Phase Seven

For the first six phases of the Basketball Camp THINKTANK head HERE!

Today’s phase is the actual outline of the event.  After a failure to plan is a plan to fail.

On a side note we have three volunteer slots left the 8-12 and two in the 12-4 shifts on July 7th!

If interested in either email me at mike@MarketingFunWithMike.com!

Why make an outline for your event?

There are so many moving parts when you are putting an event together and different things that are going to pop up that day (or multiple days) that having a strategic outline and plan for the day will make things just a tad calmer.

How detailed does this need to be for you?

It really depends on how much of the event depends on exact times and how much is “free time” that can be shifted as the event goes on.

Here’s an example of what our outline looks like from 7am to 330pm for our basketball camp.

7:00-7:30 Staff Assignments/ Summit Set Up

Summit Tasks

  • Registration Lead: 
  • Gear Lead:
  • Breakfast Lead:
  • Lunch Lead
  • Coaches Lead:

7:30- 8:15 Camp Registration Lead:  

8:15-8:20 Organize campers into groups to stretch Lead:

8:20- 8:40 Dynamic Warm- Up Lead:

8:45- 9:45 Stations Rotations (Running Clock)

  1. Kids Yoga/ Cross Fit
  2. Passing, Jump Stops, Triple Threat Pivots
  3. Stationary Dribbling (2 balls advanced)
  4. Dribbling on the move (Combinations for advanced)
  5. Basket Finishes (Different finish combinations)
  6. Defense 2 on 2
  7. Defense 4 on 4 (Shell)
  8. Shots off screens (curl, backdoor, pocket and fade)
  9. Cuts (L, V, Replace)
  10. Offense 4 on 0 (Passing, cutting and screening away)

9:45- 10:00 Break/ Talk

10:00- 11:00   Stations Rotations (Running Clock)

11:00- 11:50Play/ Organize 4 on 4 Teams

11:50- 12:00   Teams depart to chapel for lunch

12:00- 1:00 LUNCH with Guest Speaker

1:00-2:00 Camp Competitions

  • 1 v 1
  • 3 Point Shoot Out
  • Skills Challenge
  • King of the Court

2:00- 3:15 Games

3:15:  3:25 Pass out t-shirts/ bags/ ice cream

3:25- 3:30 Camp wrap up

3:30 Dismissal

Whew! That’s a lot isn’t it?!?!

Not really.  You want to be prepared and know what’s coming next in order to give people the greatest experience possible!

Phase Eight will be the announcement of the camp and registration.

I hope this THINKTANK phase was beneficial to you and helped remind you of another very important step in creating an event.  And remember an outline is just an outline!

Things are going to change…the ability to just go with the flow will support you I promise the day of.

Looking to implement more passion and purpose into your digital marketing lead generation or have questions about building ideas like my basketball camp from the ground up??  I’d love to hear from you, email mike@MarketingFunWithMike.com and sign up to my Bi Monthly Vlog HERE!

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