Mike Rudd

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Hashtag 59 THINKTANK: Phase Four

If you missed out on the first three phases of this THINKTANK series you can check them out HERE.  Just scroll down to the Hashtag 59 Archived Series.

For those of you reading this blog for the first time or if you need a reminder the THINKTANK blogs are self starter projects that I am working on and building from the ground up.

I show you in phases the processes of my creations and activities and what is working and not working.

The goal is for you to be able to get a better grasp on how to create things for this world, provide a focus on people and purpose in your digital marketing, support you to understand what can be turned into passion projects/side hustles/full on businesses, and ultimately you getting to create a lifestyle around fulfilling work that impacts the world in a positive way!

Hashtag 59 is all about hiking and experiences in and around the 59 National Parks and the impact they can have on your life and the stories of others you get to meet and relationships that will be created as a result of the journeys.  Hashtag 59 is a way of life…an active adventurous life that is for those seeking to constantly find themselves embedded in the beauty of outdoor living.

What does Hashtag 59 have to do with digital marketing?  

Everything!  It’s my vision and hope that these THINKTANK series and phases will show you the proper process and steps to build your own ideas from the ground up.  Over the course of the coming months (after my upcoming book has been finished and released) Hashtag59 will become its own free standing brand and site.

I am still finalizing the direction of the content and perhaps even if a name switch will be in the works but the feedback that I have gotten so far points to shifting it to something more.

Most of this has been possible because of digital marketing.  Digital marketing opens doors, gives you data and feedback, and lets you explore business opportunities on a level that will enable you to minimize time and cost put into a project, event, or business in the early stages until you discover that it’s something worth taking to the “next level.”

Today’s post is about Moab, Utah!  For those of you unfamiliar with this area Moab is a playground set in the Red Rock desert.  If you are seeking fun and adventure then Moab is a place not to pass up.  In my opinion it is the best collection of adventure opportunities and explorations in a concentrated region in the entire lower 48 states of America and tops in the world with other heavy hitting big boys like Alaska, Iceland, and New Zealand.

Moab is a four hour drive from Salt Lake City or about an hour from Grand Junction Colorado if you can find a flight into there.  From high end resorts to beautiful AirBnB’s (which is what we just did, Jenna’s place can be found HERE and was perfect) to camping in the National Parks or RV resorts Moab has a little bit of everything in terms of accommodations.

Here are six things that I have done in Moab and its surrounding area that I would recommend get to happen on your first visit there!

1. Arches National Park Day Hiking

It’s too close and too awesome to not visit.  This iconic park is currently my 6th favorite National Park that I have visited (out of 30).  If you have never been to Arches plan for at least two days here.  The scenic drive will make you feel like you have landed on Mars and recommended day hikes are the Devils Garden Loop up to Double O Arch and seeing about 7 arches along the route, Delicate Arch (the iconic Utah license plate), Park Avenue, and a stroll through the Windows Section.  Combined with adding a ranger tour through the fiery furnace section and a stop at the visitors center and some good picnicking you’ll have two full days if you take all of this on.  Arches is HOT in the summer.  My finger tips were soaking with sweat as I marched up to Delicate Arch last week.  Bring lots of water.  These hikes are not all for beginners either.  You get to follow rock cairns up steep slick rock for both the Devils Garden Loop and Delicate Arch.  But both of these are two of the best day hikes in the lower 48 states.  Arches has a $25.00 entry free for a week and two days there will make you feel sore and mesmerized of its beauty. Needed time: two full days.

2. The Moab Brewery

Well all that hiking fun gets to come with a little celebration after a long day!  While Utah is filled with unordinary liquor laws when compared to the other 49 states Moab Brewery is just like anywhere else.  Their canned IPA’s are outstanding and the food is tasty as well.  Memorial Day Weekend brings a music and craft brew fest that they lead that is a wonderful time to sample all of their tasty hopes and ales.  There are a number of other great mexican restaurants, breakfast spots, and coffee shops for the bean lovers!  Needed time: One night and two nights if you are wild and young.

3. Rent a bike

Bike paths dominate Moab.  Whether you are an experienced mountain biker and want to take on the Slickrock Trail (one of the most famous and hardest mountain bike trails in the world) or you are just ready to petal through town and out through Lions Park and up to the amazing scenic drive on Highway 128 the mountain air and beautiful views will make your sore legs feel like nothing even happened.  There are several bike rental places in town.  Needed time: Half day minimum.

4. Hit the zips!

Raven’s Rim Zipline is a perfect 2.5 hour tour that combines multiple fun ways to really experience Moab and the surrounding area.  Located right in town you get a fun 40 minute 4WD off roading adventure, six amazing zip lines complete with running starts, fun and engaging tour guides who share stories of the area, a bouncy drawbridge walk over a mini canyon, and a story and experience you won’t soon forget!  Needed time: Allow four hours.

5. Gold Bar Campground/Colorado River

We took a canoe 11 miles down the Colorado River to this small and rural campsite.  After that gorgeous paddle we let out at Gold Bar which has a route up to Corona Arch and Bowtie Arch.  I know you might think you have seen enough Arches but these are special, it’s a tough but outstanding four mile roundtrip hike, and then you get the fun of cooling off in the Colorado River.  Pack a cooler for a picnic and then watch rock climbers do their thing at Gold Bar and head back to Moab.  We used Moab Rafting and Canoe Company and they were great. Needed time: Half day to two days with overnight stay.

6. Canyonlands National Park and Dead Horse State Park

127 Hours the movie happened in Canyonlands and Thelma and Louise’s infamous cliff jump was actually filmed at Dead Horse.  Both of these places are an hour from Moab and you can choose to spend a day exploring and get lost in the wilderness for multiple days here.  The areas are huge and vast and experiences range from day hikes to rafting trips to Jeep tours.  Canyonlands is really just as amazing as Arches but since it’s 35 miles away from Moab instead of 5 miles it has 10% of the visitors. Canyonlands also has two jump off points from Moab.  Island in the Sky is right by Dead Horse but if you have a second day you can explore the Needles region which is about 90 minutes from Moab. I have not spent as much time as I should in these place and my next trip to Moab will be centered around more energy around these areas.  Needed time: One full day to multi days.

That’s my top six for Moab.  If you have 7 days you’ll have plenty of time to relax and knock off all six on this list.

Here’s the deal about Moab and traveling in these National Parks in my eyes.  It’s about the people you meet along the way, the journey instead of the destination, and what you learn about your life and who you can be in this world as a result of stretching yourself out into this wild world.  It’s also about having some fun.

Moab has wonderful people, we made many new friends on our recent trip, and it allows you to turn this land into a playground to cultivate whatever it is you need to get out of it.

Don’t worry if you miss something or there’s a delay or change of plans.  Everything happens for a reason and if you let the Moab lifestyle overtake you it doesn’t matter if you hit all six of these items on this list, just one, or none of them. 

Moab will take your breath away and leave you filled with love of this planet, gratitude for life, and an excitement for your next adventure back to this Desert Playground!

Visit DiscoverMoab.com for other great insights and details.  They have been a huge help in the planning of my trips there.

Thanks again for being here and reading this.  Shares are most welcomed and once again I’d be most grateful for your feedback on this list and any experience you have in Moab and of course I’m happy to answer any questions or provide more details on the area.

Email me at mike@MarketingFunWithMike.com.

If you are ready and interested in learning more about building your own ideas like Hashtag 59 through digital marketing and instilling people and purpose into your work then get my free story guide HERE when you sign up for my newsletter. 
It will help you get down to the business of creation.

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Spread Good Vibes, Demand the Best from yourself, Carpe Diem
