Mike Rudd

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Digital Marketing Must Know's

Coming together to do good work.  That's what I envision and hope the world of business can continue to transform into and become.
We have a long ways to go and while every day I see examples of people like those in the picture above working together to understand what works and what doesn't I have recently learned there is still a lot of mis information out there about digital marketing and advertising.

There's not enough space on this blog to list everything you must do (there are TONS of great resources out there and if you need a partner you can trust myself and my team are available for hire to do this with you) but here's some of my most important MUST KNOW'S.

This is based both on my own experience of growing my own business, others businesses, and what I see being done out there that's a tad off.

1. Test everything.  You have to A/B test everything and do it over and over again to find out what is working.  If your digital partner doesn't suggest you test multiple variants at once you might considering suggesting it.  Both on your ads and on landing pages.  Test headlines, copy, and hero images first.  We suggest using UnBounce.

2. Measure it.  And measure your non digital items too.  You'll learn and see what's working and what's not working only if you measure everything.  If you don't know what works you'll continue to spend money in places you are unsure of yielding any results.

3. Don't just use a form fill when trying to collect a lead for your business.  Invite them to sign up for a nurtured email marketing campaign.  And then send them a nurtured email marketing campaign.  Your email list is your single most important digital marketing asset and not inviting them to opt in to future email marketing is a big miss.

4. If you are using digital marketing for brand awareness and only brand awareness you are missing a large opportunity.  Lead generation and brand awareness can be done at the same time.

5. If someone tells you they can't track this or integrate that to be able to measure all of your results find a partner who is willing to do that.  It's very easy and possible.

6. When you post an organic Instagram post make sure you take the time to add 30 appropriate hashtags and spend time connecting with other people that are using those same hashtags.

7. If you aren't using Facebook advertising you are missing the biggest opportunity in the history of efficient advertising.  And the window is slowly closing.

8. Social media is social.  Have fun and be engaging on it.  

9. Buying impressions on random websites leads to over half of your clicks and traffic being "bad bots." Keep away :).

10. No one knows everything and neither do I.  But I'll be honest, open hearted, willing to be held accountable, and teach you everything while doing it.  Hold your partner to a similar type of promise and you'll find one that works great for you.

Thanks for reading and being a part of the community, what MUST KNOW do you want to add to this list?

Next Mastery Club is HERE and my new book is HERE.

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Spread Good Vibes, Demand the best from yourself, Carpe DIem