Mike Rudd

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Four Ways to Eat Healthier

Cornucopia farmers market set up, sioux city iowa.

The Western World is full of fad diets, fake food, misleading labels, and an emphasis on the skinnier we are the better we will feel. There’s so much information (and a lot of conflicting and confusing information) that sometimes it’s hard to tell what is best and what’s what. I have been primarily Paleo, done the Whole30 several times, primarily vegetarian, and borderline vegan over the years. I fast, have done three to five days of juicing, had groceries shipped to me, tried out cooking boxes like Hello Fresh, joined farmers market co oops, and just about everything else you could possibly think of! In this article I share four ways to eat healthier, and therefore feel better, no matter what kind of food lifestyle program you are on.

Roasted veggies, good with anything!

Why is what you eat important?

Because when you are healthy you don’t have to spend time worrying about how you feel. When you feel good you get to move about your day at a high energy level, when you sleep sound, move your body, and eat nutritious food you are less likely to be bogged down with heath problems. They can take over your life, your mind, and your income. Of course this can happen to anyone.

But by eating healthy you hedge your bets of this happening less. The odds are more in your favor than against you. So that’s why what you eat can turn your life upside down, for the best and for the worst.

Fresh bread, honey, berries, and homemade peanut butter. a treat but still all real food.

Four Ways to Eat Healthier (No matter what kind of lifestyle food program you eat.)

  1. Fill half of your plate with cooked vegetables. For every meal.
    That’s half of your plate and I’ll say it again, preferably with every meal. Bonus points if you eat the foods that align best with your ayurvedic dosha, but not required. Vegetables are packed with nutrients, are light on your body in how you feel post meal, and are your best way to make sure you eat more of the “good stuff.”

  2. Eat in season and local.
    When we lived in Joshua Tree California in the winter, Tucson Arizona in the spring, and Le Mars Iowa in the summer we ate different foods in each season. But we ate them local, and we ate what the local farmers were growing. Eat what is in season and is local all that you can. In Tucson oranges were basically the only fruit I ate during the spring. You’ll learn about harvesting, what can actually grow when, and if you can’t buy just from a farmers market at least remember what is there. If it’s not there but at a chain grocery store it’s probably not in season.

  3. Make your food.
    Some day I hope future humans (if we don’t go extinct due to global warming of course) will look back at this and laugh. They will hopefully laugh at the fact that we didn’t make our food. And it was making us sick, lethargic, and operating on low vibration levels.
    We make our own salsa, hummus, tzatziki, and nut milks. We grow the food that we can and buy from farmers all the groceries we are able.
    We spend a lot of time cooking. But it keeps us healthy, and when we do eat out we usually opt for a place that also makes real food.
    The more you make the food you consume the better you will feel and maybe also have a greater appreciation for it.

  4. Remove Added Sugar.
    IF there’s one thing the Paleos, Vegans, Vegetarians, and Pescatarian real food eaters all agree on it’s the idea that added sugar is the hidden disease that is making us all sick.
    It’s not too many calories, it’s not fat, and if used in small amounts it might not even be caffeine or alcohol (though both should be extremely limited if used at all in my opinion.)
    It’s ADDED SUGAR. It’s everywhere and you have to read labels, watch what you eat at restaurants, friends pot lucks, and even decipher the names of fake ingredients disguised as added sugar. If you can remove added sugar from your diet you will lose weight, gain muscle, reduce inflammation, increase blood flow, increase energy levels, and likely reduce your chances of the big four Western World Killers (Alzheimer’s, Stroke, Cancer, and Heart Disease.)

When I do eat out I go to restaurants that only use real ingredients. Like tumerico in Tucson arizona!

It’s a tricky and sneaky game that is being played out there. If you can also have the control to only drink water and herbal tea (I still have the occasional Topo Chico and black coffee) you will also take this to another level. Since that is more of a beverage tip I didn’t include in of my main four.

So in conclusion if you want to eat healthier pick a program that works for you. But no matter the program eating half of each meal as veggies, eating local and in season, making your food, and removing added sugar will have you in a much better place than by not doing these things!

What else would you add? Drop an idea in the comments and thanks for reading!

Need some support on meal prepping? Reach out I’d love to connect. I create 30 day at a time real food meal plans for individuals, families, and/or small businesses.

To Your Health,