Men's Retreat THINKTANK: Phase One

Last year I really enjoyed having a true garden in my yard.  I grew herbs, food, and flowers and it really became a dedicated practice.

I’m also a thirty four year old man.

I’m a huge practitioner of Yoga and meditation.  I do it daily and the personal and professional growth I have received as a result of it is hard to measure.

I’m also a thirty four year old man.

Reading books?  Cooking not on a grill?  Check and check.  Still a man.

Talking about my feelings?  Check again.  And yes still a man.

I got to thinking about my next creative project and endeavor and there are a few more in the works but the one that I’m going to pursue the soonest and start to put through the THINKTANK is the concept of a Men’s Retreat.

The loose theme is around a day or weekend for men doing things that “society tells men to not do.”

Some of these seminars, sessions, and action experiences will feature things that I am into like gardening, cooking, meditation, reading, and yoga.  And yes feelings.

There are also a TON of other opportunities and sessions on what we could create.  I believe we all get pigeonholed into who we are way too quickly.  Whether you are a man, women, child, adult, minority, ethnicity, eye color, weight, or where you live.

I can’t fix all of these misconceptions tomorrow but one that I believe I can take a stab at is opening the eyes of other men to things that can give them more joy and balance in their lives.  That would then enable them to support their families, friends, society, and themselves in a bigger and more empowering way.

What do I get to do next?

-Find some partners on this.

-Secure a venue.

-Figure out the outline and how much it will cost.

-Promote it.

-Put it on.

-Ten million other things!

This is phase one.  Putting the idea out to the world other than just on my google docs folder.

I have a solid plan for phase two and I’ll be keeping you in the loop all the way to where we figure out if this is a passion project, side hustle, or full on business.

What do you think of the idea?  Any thoughts or ideas of what you would like to see included or things that I should consider?

Comment below or email me your feedback at

I’d love to hear it!

Thanks for being a part of this crew and THINKTANK, I appreciate you!

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