Finding out your Ayurvedic Dosha for Eating Purposes

Finding out your Ayurvedic Dosha for Eating Purposes can help you figure out what foods to eat more of, reduce, and/or avoid. It will help you feel and digest better :). Let’s talk Dosha’s!

My friend Marisa once told me I might want to consider eating meat sometimes (I am primarily a vegetarian.) This was because she also had to at times because when she was burning lots of energy it could support her recovery and how she felt. I had never considered that I might need something in my body that others might not need. That my body is unique and different from everyone else’s. And so is yours.

Welcome to Ayurveda ;).

Ayurveda is an ancient health system built in modern day India over 5,000 years ago. For years I primarily used it for everyday habits and routines many humans use even if they don’t think they do “Ayurveda.”

A few examples might be tongue scraping, oil pulling, using a loofa, and/or essential oils. It’s a “sister science” to yoga.

However I didn’t always use the science behind my “dosha” for food purposes like Marisa was explaining to me years ago.

There are three Ayurvedic Dosha’s. You have all three of them in you, but most have a primary dosha. Mine is the Pitta Dosha. The other two Dosha’s are Kapha and Vata.

You can read books about Ayurveda for the rest of your life. Without getting too deep into it I want to share why finding out your Ayurvedic Dosha for eating purposes can be impactful.

Why is this helpful?

  1. It will help aid in your digestion. For instance my dosha has me eating less to no nuts. When I ate too many cashews and non peeled almonds on a Rim to Rim Hike in the Grand Canyon my gut didn’t appreciate it! For a day or two afterwards.

  2. You will feel more balanced and aligned if you are eating more of the foods that support which dosha you are. I should eat sweet fruits but always eat them 30 minutes before the rest of a meal. This helps me balance. I should eat lots of spinach and my body is okay with goat cheese too.

  3. On the opposite spectrum it allows me to eat less/reduce the foods I don’t need. The Pitta Dosha is all about fire and high energy. I don’t need spicy food and meat that are full of energy because as a Pitta I already have that rumbling inside of me. Instead I need “cool foods” like salads and smoothies.

To me the point of health is to avoid spending time on it. The more healthy we are and balanced we feel the less time it takes our time. That is more time to spend doing what you are meant to do on Planet Earth, more time providing the Earth with the goodness you can bring, and more time having recreational activities that bring you joy.

When we aren’t healthy all of our time revolves around not feeling good. It takes our bandwidth. Figuring out your dosha and then with that eating more of the foods that dosha needs and reducing the ones your dosha doesn’t need will give your gut, your brain, and your heart more bandwidth.

Finding out your Ayurvedic Dosha for Eating Purposes will give you a greater chance to live a life that has you feeling better day in and day out.

What should I do now?

  1. Learn more about Ayurveda. Even if it’s an Idiot’s Guide Book :). No really it’s a great way to simplify a 5,000 year old health system.

  2. Talk to an Ayurvedic Health Doctor or Practitioner like Marisa. Back to the chicken recommendation and bringing it full circle! They can support you to figure out your dosha and what works best for a customized food lifestyle for your body.

Thanks for reading! There’s more on my Resources Page.

To Your Health,