If not now then when?

I was sifting through my race packet from the 5 Mile Columbus Turkey Trot I did on Thanksgiving when this little dandy of a flyer appeared.

150 Miles, 24 Hours, 10 to a Team, and 2 Drivers.

I glanced at it, drew on the vision of how cool it would be to do, and then put into the pile for the recycling bin.

After a few minutes I looked at it again and thought to myself “If not now then when?”

It is a once a year event and I have the dates open on my calendar.  

Maybe there won’t be another one? 
Maybe there could be a million other excuses and reasons for not doing it?
Or maybe I should just do it.

A text of the picture to a good friend ten seconds later came back with a reply of YES we get to do this.

Now we are going to build our team and probably have a terribly painful yet awesome 24 hours.

How many times do we put things off and come up with excuses?  I do every single day and imagine you do as well.  It’s our human nature and we are good at it, don’t be upset about it!

But the question I pose to you and I will continue to pose to myself is “If not now then when?”

It’s so easy to brush incredible experiences off to a later day, month, year, and ultimately to a time when it will never happen.

This can be a personal or professional call to arms. 

If not now then when?

Why not now? 

That’s what I say and will continue to push myself and you to say!

What have you been putting off?  Declare the commitment and a time to deliver on it!

Don’t think you have enough time to make it happen?

Get the Efficiency Recipe HERE and you’ll have more than enough time next week!

Thank you for reading, sharing, caring, and being a part of this crew!  I appreciate you.

I’m always at mike@MarketingFunWithMike.com if you want to ask questions, provide feedback, or of course hire me!  Or if you want to be on our "The Buck Fifty" Team!

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1. When it stops being fun

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Spread Good Vibes, Demand the Best from Yourself, Carpe Diem
