Five Ways Ayurveda will make you feel better, immediately!

Buddha Statue at Awaken Yoga in Le Mars Iowa

I have been using ancient Ayurveda tools for a decade and a half and the results continue to amaze me. They are easy to implement and use, very affordable, and leave you feeling better and being healthier in more ways than many might imagine. In this article I share five ways Ayurveda will make you feel better, immediately.

I remember the first week or so I implemented these and was SHOCKED at just how much better I felt. Ayurveda almost seems “too easy.”

We are convinced in the Western world that we need to be stressed, anxious, and busy as a sign of personal pride. Getting and being healthy is often times a sign of weakness, or perceived as requiring so much work that we just don’t have the time for.

Singing bowls in Mexico by Ashtanga Teacher Juan Carlos

Ayurveda is a lifestyle, it’s 5,000 years old, and was originally created as a health system.

That which it still is. However Ayurveda has so many great tools and habits you can utilize that take seconds or minutes every day. Even if you don’t care what your dosha is and you insist you’ll never eat ayurvedic food (which you should) you can be an Ayurvedic Practitioner!

I certainly am and I would say it’s the reason why I have been able to enter my 42nd year on Earth feeling like it’s my 24th and being physically and mentally stronger now than I have evern been in my whole life. I hiked a combination of 1,650 plus miles on the Appalachian Trail, Pacific Crest Trail, and Arizona Trail in the last year while working a full-time job, a side hustle, and maintaining healthy and present relationship with my family and friends. Ayurveda deserves most of the credit (along with yoga of course) because of how it makes me feel!

Five Ways you can use Ayurveda in your daily life:

  1. Tongue Scrape
    Did you know how much toxins and bacteria build up in your mouth overnight? A lot let’s just say. Scrape your tongue ten times or so each morning with a copper tongue scraper before brushing your teeth to remove this gunk and buildup. And yes you should still “brush” your tongue” and no brushing your tongue is not enough!

  2. Oil Pull
    After brushing I pull oil. Start with two minutes (coconut or sesame are preferred oils) and swish that oil. Build up longer (up to twenty minutes) as you get used to it. 90% of common colds begin in your mouth and the oil pulls bacteria out. Don’t send it down the sink/toilet and do gargle with warm water afterwards to remove the build up.

  3. Dry Brush/Oil Massage
    Get a Dry Brush and do it in the morning and you won’t even need that cup of coffee. Follow up with a self oil massage (use an oil according to your dosha, mine is sunflower) and you’ll feel like you just left a spa! Dry Brushing with Oil Massaging takes care of the largest organ you look at everyday. Your skin! It exfoliates your skin and leaves you feeling and looking good. I am supposed to do it 2x/week during the summer and 3x/week during the other seasons. It adds about 15 minutes to my shower routine but is SO WORTH IT.

  4. Herbal Tea/Hot Water with Lemon before a meal
    Start your day with a cup of herbal tea before you eat. Drink some hot water and lemon before you eat meals to prepare your body for digestion.
    You’ll be ingesting healthy detoxifying herbs from the tea and improving your gut health with the hot water before other meals. Say YES to less stomach burbles :).

  5. Neti Pot
    You know those strange looking wanna be tea pots that you pour through your nose? Yes they work and your nasal/sinus health will be loving up on you!

That’s it! These are five ways you can incorporate Ayurveda into your life in a simple and quick way to deliver a healthier version of yourself.

Add in a meditation practice, workout routine, healthy food intake, and a limit of social media and you’ll be feeling on fire. But these five tools will yield quick and amazing results.

We don’t know how good we are supposed to feel when our bodies are performing at their full level. These ayurvedic ways will have you on the path and you’ll be pleasantly surprised I believe at how much better you will feel by doing them on the regular!

Comment below with any questions, and thanks for reading!

Come join me at a yoga class or let’s do a 1 on 1 growth session.

To Your Health,