One Percenters

The one percenters in the world are the ones that can make a difference in a business.  It's time to become one!

The one percenters that I am referring to is not this group!

The one percenters that we are referencing are the game changers.  They are the people in this world that go above and beyond what they are told and what they are expected to do.

This special group challenges the status quo.  They also push themselves to find ways to be better each and every day at whatever craft they perform.  

And most importantly for all of us…if we can surround ourselves with one percenters either at the company we work at, the business we want to build, or even a project or story that we want to help spread we will go farther than ever thought possible!

Why are we talking about this today?

For her birthday I got my wife and I a two night stay at the Inn at Cedar Falls in Hocking Hills State Park.  One of our favorite outdoor trips close to where we live.

We were leaving early before breakfast would be served and when we asked about it the owner said unfortunately it didn’t start until 8am.  That was when Misty (A ONE PERCENTER) jumped in and said she could make us a to go bag of coffee, fresh fruit, granola and yogurt and have it ready for us when we left the next morning.  

Then we went in for dinner that night and the waitress told us there were no tables available unfortunately.  Enter Misty!  (She does many things there apparently.) And she said we could order something to go.  Just because they were full didn’t mean the cooks still couldn’t prepare two more meals. 

We ordered our food and took it back to our cabin and even saved the cost of buying a bottle of wine at dinner because we had one at the cabin.

Misty does little things day in and day out to elevate the service, branding, and legacy of the Inn at Cedar Falls being a great place to stay at.

If you can be a one percenter and find enough other ones who want to join you on whatever adventure life holds for you it will be an exciting and highly rewarding ride!

Go be a Misty and find some more Misty’s too and watch your marketing tell a story unlike that’s ever been told!

Have a great Friday everyone!  Sign up for the newsletter to get my story guide "Three Hot Dog Stands Cooked and Served" for free!

Carpe Diem!
