Appreciation of other Talents

Going along the lines of removing the ego (one of my takeaways in my last blog post HERE) is how much I have noticed lately and taken in an awe and appreciation of others talents.

Here are a few:

  1. The incredible diversity and expertise of all my awesome yoga teachers at Yoga on High and Grow Yoga.  I’m fortunate to get to work with them as a client and also practice there.
  2. Extremely talented copy writers that transform my storylines into impactful conversions online.
  3. A lady who ran seven marathons in seven days on seven different continents.  I ran one in my life and think I’m good.
  4. Doctors and nurses.  Pretty crazy what they do.  And how well they do it.
  5. Media sales reps that I work with that are continuing to amaze me with ideas that I wish I had come up with when I was one.
  6. The gentlemen in the above pic who can hack a coconut with a machete like a pro!

You are talented at what you do.  No doubt.  But there are other incredibly talented people surrounding you every single day.

Take appreciation of them, learn from them, and then grow as a result of what you see and can take from it.

It also is a great reminder to myself that I would never be able to accomplish anything alone.  Without my wife, family, friends, co workers, bosses, mentors, and the random stranger who comes into your life for just a moment but provides something that you wouldn’t have been able to do on your own.

When you remove the ego it’s easier to acknowledge how pedestrian you are at some things and how incredible others are at them.  Outside of the doctor one I consider myself to be in the lines of work of yoga, copy writing, running, and selling ideas.  But man I have seen some others do it better, more efficient, and more effective than I can currently.

That inspires me and inflates me instead of deflates me.  It excites me to consider what I can become if I listen, learn, and apply.

I hope you find the same joy in the appreciation of others talents.

Thanks for reading today!!  Appreciate you hanging around here, if you have a comment or thought and want to share it do so below.

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