Personal Connection

It’s hard to measure the impact and importance of personal connection.

You can create and make personal connection both online in the social media world and offline in the work you do.

There are several companies that I work with and have connections with that have mentioned to me the struggle with figuring out if social media, giveaways to core customers, and other personal connection attempts like just speaking with the customers really work.

I get the frustration, especially as someone who looks and measures analytics and numbers, at the concept behind doing something that doesn’t have a tangible measured benefit or reward tied to it.

But one thing I am certain about when it comes to personal connection is this.  Find me an up and coming startup, small business that has been thriving for years, or a new trend in the digital world that isn’t built around personal connection.

The world isn’t 100% there but it’s headed there.  Personal connection can be viewed as a necessary evil or just an unmeasurable gaping opportunity.

By focusing on personal connection you are focusing on why you are in business.

If you really are just in business to take advantage of customers and get them out the door as fast as you possibly can you might want to rethink why you are in business in the first place.

Thanks for reading and being part of the crew!  Are you struggling with how to come up with a concrete plan to create more personal connections around your work?

Let my Personal Branding Recipe lay the plan out with you!  Grab a copy HERE to set yourself up for success!

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