The Sales Recipe School THINKTANK: Phase Two


For those of you reading this blog for the first time or if you need a reminder the THINKTANK blogs are self starter projects that I am working on and building from the ground up.

I show you in phases the processes of my creations and activities and what is working and not working.  To help you fill in the gaps like in the photo above!

The goal is for you to be able to get a better grasp on how to create your own things for this world, put a streamlined focus on people and purpose in your digital marketing, understand what can be turned into passion projects/side hustles/full on businesses, and ultimately getting you to create a lifestyle around fulfilling work that impacts the world in a positive way!

I am focusing my blogs on telling the stories and steps of four different projects that I am currently working on for the rest of this year.

They are as follows:

  1. Volunteer Projects THINKTANK
  2. Hashtag 59 THINKTANK
  3. Publishing a Book THINKTANK
  4. The Sales Recipe School THINKTANK

If you missed phase one of the Sales Recipe School you can check it out HERE.

I have several next steps laid out in the building of this online sales school and I’m going to share them with you here:

  1. Write the school agenda and create the slide deck.  This online school will be sold and taught on the platform Teachable.  I have written a 16 step 75 page manuscript and agenda for the school that I am working with my friend Daniel to turn into 16 different chapters that each have multiple slides on them.
  2. The creation of 16 Action Worksheets.  With each chapter/step in the sales school students will receive an action worksheet that puts them to work after they finish the slides and watch the video.  I am currently designing the worksheets and creating the needed actions for the students.
  3. The writing of 10 video scripts and shooting of the videos.  There will also be 7 videos that will be in the sales school.  The videos each have rough outlines and scripts that I have been writing and editing.  I will then be shooting the videos, editing them, and loading them into the online school.
  4. Outline of the bonus items that will be included in the school.  This sales school will actually be available for anyone to purchase anytime of the year.  However once a year I will be offering it as a 4-5 week course that will include special bonus items and the opportunity to work with me on a personal level throughout the course.  These bonus items will be different each other and I am creating the first year’s ones now.
  5. Vision for the weekly office hours calls with the school’s attendees.  One of the bonus items that I have already landed on will be a weekly “office hours” conference call with me.  We’ll run through questions from the most recent chapters, offer feedback and support for anyone with needs going through the school, and advice and tips on what to do next.  These will be free flowing somewhat but also get to have vision and clarity behind the goal of them.  I am currently working on that.
  6. Building of an email lead list of additional potential interested people through targeted Facebook ads and the creation of landing pages to provide details about the school.  I want to provide this school to as many people that would benefit from it as I can.  Also at the end of the day revenue is an important metric in the success of this school.  I get to promote this school and find more people than just my current community at Marketing Fun With Mike.  I’ll be doing this by creating Facebook Ads and targeting sales managers, business owners, salespeople, and any entrepreneur who would benefit from learning to sell in a human way for a small price.

This work and these steps will take about the next 60-90 days.  My goal will be to have the school sign up window happen in Q4 of this year with the school most likely running in the November to January timeframe.

Part of this depends on the launching of my upcoming book “The Passionate Marketing Revolution.”  So stay tuned and I’ll keep you informed about the sales school progression!

Thanks again for being here and reading this.  Shares are most welcomed and once again I’d be most grateful for your feedback on this list and of course I’m happy to answer any questions or provide more details on the Sales Recipe School.

Email me at

If you are ready and interested in learning more about building your own ideas like The Sales Recipe School through digital marketing and instilling people and purpose into your work then get my Efficiency Recipe HERE when you sign up for my newsletter.  To take on enrollment in something like the sales school in addition to your current workload being efficient is a large help!

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