A wise man once told me to chase my Hot Dog Stand (Passion)

It was a long time ago when I stood out on cold winter days with numb fingers selling hot dogs to those who were hungry on Ohio State Campus.

But I'll never forget how much I enjoyed it.

And it has honestly inspired me since then to make sure I do something every day that I love for a career.

Does that mean every day is perfect? Hell no.

Do I enjoy every minute of it? Not a chance.

But am I genuinely engaged and excited about what I'm doing? Yeah buddy.

I have doubts about whether or not this program of finding your hot dog stand (passion or calling in life) is worth it.

Of course I believe that I'm having fun in my marketing of it and helping others be themselves in sales but does anyone really care?

If I shouted from the rooftops of this blog would anyone care?

I have those fears.  I have those doubts.  I ponder if it's worth doing what I do.

Spending months writing books being concerned if anyone will enjoy them or coming up with a six month new marketing idea that every client thinks is really cool and relevant but ultimately not up their alley.

Those fears are just the same when you start thinking if it is worth taking the plunge to finding your passion, to turning it into a career, or to stop selling a crappy product that sucks and to go find something you have control over, believe in, and can help the community with.

You know when my fears get trumped?

When a friend tells me he has met his goal of starting a new career and says "A wise man once told me to chase my hot dog stand (passion.)"


When a new connection on the world wide web tells me how encouraging I have been and it has made their day to talk about some ideas for their business together.

Those words crush fear.  They crush any doubts.  They create an excitement that would make my numb fingers thaw out at the hot dog stand in seconds.

Finding your passion is not for everyone.  I get that and I respect that.

It is hard work, requires lots of rejection, and the stupidest amount of positivity anyone could ever have.

Sometimes you have to chase it down a deep dark hole to find it.

But when you find that passion it's all worth it in my eyes…and it's like that for the rest of your life if you keep up at it.

I'm glad those two friends of mine have found their passion.  And if you are up to the task come join the party.

I'll get you started with my story guide with action steps to lay the foundation for finding your passion and building ideas from the ground up for your community when you sign up for my newsletter.

It will be the first step towards chasing that hot dog stand that my friends just found.

I'm not the wise man.  They are.

Until next week…adios amigo!
