Hot Dog Stand Marketing Volume 10: Personal Brands

Prospect/Client: What do you stand for?

Prospect/Client: What do you believe in? 

Prospect/Client: Why should I listen to you and your product pitch when there are literally 100 other sports sales people who are going to call me this week that all think they have an idea of how they can help me out with what they represent?

YOU!: The answer is simple. Because I work unlike any other sports sales person you have ever done business with in your life. Here’s my website, my books, podcasts, and my sales philosophy.  Take a look at it and I’ll call you later this week after you had a chance to review to see if you would be interested in meeting.

Your Personal Brand Is Why YOU Are A Winner!

Discovering and building a personal brand that you can share with clients, prospects, and the whole world will give you the ability to stand out from the crowd.  It is a personal story of who you are and what you represent and why you are different than everyone else.  That will get people to listen and to view you differently from the other 99 sports sales people who pitch them every single day.

It starts with my Hot Dog Stand Marketing Version of Sales. It is my own creation, my mission statement that I use each and every day. Ten Building Blocks for sports sales success no matter what decade/age we are in.

All 10 of these building blocks are explained in much more detail throughout my various books or at one of my action-led speaking engagements.

These are traits and steps to ensure that we thrive; and don’t just survive; in the sales world for the coming months, years and decades.

Today we march onto volume number ten! And an action that is never ending. An action you will need to constantly build and evolve but is essential to thriving in sports sales.  There will be two parts to step number ten.  Today I will explain the process of personal brands, and in part two I will give you tips and advice to get you going on your own personal brand!

Number Ten (Part One of Two!): Personal Brands

We hear and read a lot about personal brands.  How you need to have a huge following on social media and interact with those people non-stop.  How you need to create second-to-none content that is feeding to the audience’s needs and wants.  It goes on and on.

What is a personal brand to me?  It’s an extension of yourself.



A personal brand is an extension of your personality that you can put out into the world and show your co workers, managers, prospects, clients, and anyone else who is willing to listen that you have a different way of doing business.

The photo above is an example of my newsletter header.  Not your average run of the mill header, but it’s a perfect extension of myself into my personal brand!

You can do this a number of different ways.  I have chosen to show my value and worth through my writing and my content.  I have free content on a daily and weekly basis to anyone who is interested in growing and learning.  I also provide examples of the work I have done in the past and the work that I want to prepare for the future.

I attempt to get testimonials from those that I trust the most and provide true value for.  It’s an opportunity to show to everyone that I am who I am at home, in my career, when I am talking with my best clients and my friends outside of the industry.  It’s an extension of myself and it’s a welcome invite to come into my world.  And invite to share with me, in hopes that I can help you learn and you will teach me something along the way.  And my hope is that in the end we are all better at what we do as a result of it.  That’s what a personal brand means to me and what I try to accomplish with mine each and every day.

The Importance of Your Personal Brand

There are tons of ways to do it, millions of ways you can represent it, but the second you start doing it you will begin to offer your clients a separation point between yourself and everyone else out there.  Because you are doing something different, something special, something unique and you are doing it the right way.  All in hopes of helping make your clients life a little easier and the world a little place.  That’s what Marketing Fun With Mike means to me.

It’s time to discover yours.

How can you get started?  Ask yourself this question.

What about me and the life that I have lived is different from every other person in the sales world and how can I help provide value for my clients?

We will dive deeper with part 10 2.0 next week into specific ways to start building your personal brand.  But this will get you started with the idea that you need one, what it means, why it’s important, and what you need to ask yourself to get going on it!

Thank you for reading today!
