Your New Year

Picture yourself one year from today.
The holiday season has ended and you have enjoyed yourself and the time with those closest to you more than you ever have before.
Instead of rushing around from place to place you found yourself sitting, laughing, listening, and immersing yourself in the conversations with those you were with.
In fact you used to feel like you needed a "vacation for your vacation" but this time you feel more rested than before the holidays started.

Now you start to think back on your year.
You took that trip you and your family had been clamoring to take.
Those ten books that had been on your list to read have all been finished, you have used them to improve your life, and you have a new list of ten more you want to read.
You finally got to coach your kid's sports team AND you joined a board for that non profit you fiercely believe in.
Those kids of yours helped you regain the chance to feel like a kid again by playing board games at night.
Your bike FINALLY got out of the garage and you and your husband even went on long walks together for no reason.
You did more and better work than ever before at your company, you got a raise, and you enjoyed working more with your co workers than ever before.
There's so much more but you can't list every wonderful thing out on here!

Finally you start to look towards the next year.
You are excited.
You are inspired.
You are motivated.  Tweet it!
But you can wait…because you are excited about the present day.  The past is gone and the future is not here yet and you don't mind because the present moment feels pretty damn good.

That is my goal for how you will think, feel, and act after going through the Efficiency Recipe.  It happened to me, to my case studies, and know I want to share it with you.
To help you.  Imagine if those above paragraphs are how you started to live your life.  
Wouldn't that be worth the small investment of $59?  (Or how about no investment at all.  If you sign up HERE one person will get drawn next week to win the Efficiency Recipe for FREE before it comes out.)

Don't do it for me.  And if you don't want to do it for yourself…do it for all those special people in your life who you would get to do all those marvelous things you have always wanted to do with them.

The Efficiency Recipe debuts January 2nd.  Just in time for your new year….and a new, efficient, organized, and destressed YOU.
Sign up HERE to get the lowest price, first access to it, and the chance to win a FREE one.

Thanks for being here and being part of the sweetest hot dog crew around!  I hope you are enjoying your holiday season with those closest to you.
If you have further questions about the Efficiency Recipe check out my last post HERE or email me at

Spread good vibes, demand the best from yourself, Carpe Diem!