Big Yellow Sticky Note Fun

When someone from the crew here hires me for a Grill Out Session on building ideas from the Ground Up typically I get asked during the first session
“What’s the most important thing to ensure my success?”
It’s action.
And that’s when I hear the crickets and get a stare of “Well I could have told you that hot dog dude!”
But it’s true without action each and every day towards creating and building something from the ground up it will never happen.
A lot easier said than done I might add because how many times have we told ourselves about a cool project we want to start, an idea we have for the community, something to put together with friends, etc.

It takes the dedicated and meticulous routine each day to get where you want to go and build something from the Ground Up.
There’s plenty more to it but without action and making that action a priority we’ll never get there.

To create something is hard enough.  To create something of value is even harder.  And to create multiple valuable things over a lifetime might be the hardest!
My friend and mentor Don the Idea Guy has shown up once again to start off this 2015 year to remind us that we can create anything we put our minds too.
Don has created two E Books already this year (yes it’s January 8th) and they are delightfully creative, unique, and fun.  
Big Yellow Sticky is the Tumblr blog for his project and he’s doing 365 of them this year, one each day and his plan is for 12 E Books in 2015.  WOW.
Consider it your daily motivational MoJo via a post it note!

I was having coffee yesterday with him and I asked what his goal was with the project.  He has some bigger scope plans but right now he said it’s fun, it’s the journey of creation each day, and the hopes he can fuel a few people’s fire.
And that’s where building an idea from the ground up comes back in.  Remember you don’t have to line up 50 sponsors or solve world hunger when you create, of course that would be great.
But it’s more the process of taking the risk to build something for the world and for yourself that might help those around you benefit in some way, even if it’s only for a specific amount of time.
If Don’s Yellow Sticky’s can strike a chord within you, even just for a second, to create something of your own for a client, yourself, or a friend then his work has been done.  It's the same hope my theory that if we all tap into our hot dog stands we can find passion and opportunity in life.  It's never in the same manner or the same way but it's a route to enjoyment and hopefully success.

Whatever part of the journey of life you are on, thanks for being part of the crew!  I hope this fuels some more ideas for what you want to do today and in the coming weeks.

Now before you go Don the Idea Guy has also graciously offered up his 2nd Yellow Sticky E Book of the year The Yellow Sticky Guide to DONE” and it has a lot of theories and applications towards one of my favorite topics in life that I believe is vital for both my and yours success: EFFICIENCY!
If you buy the Efficiency Recipe (Option A is less than two dollars per step and if you get 730 new hours per year that’s like 7 cents an hour!) you’ll receive an email from me with special instructions for a free download of Don’s “Yellow Sticky Guide to DONE”.
HIs way of saying thanks for pushing the envelope in your life.

One quick clarification about the Efficiency Recipe in how it works should you want to purchase it.  The payment service we are using is Stripe.  They are used exclusively by website builder SquareSpace and it is just like a “PayPal.”
They are 100% completely secure and confidential with your payment information and you’ll receive receipts upon payment of the Efficiency Recipe.  You’ll also then receive an email with ZIP file to download the program.
After that I’ll receive an email that you have purchased the Efficiency Recipe and I’ll send you the info for Don’s free download.

Let me know if you have any questions on the process and I hope to send you an email soon for a free download of Don’s new E Book.  

Time to build.  It doesn’t have to be yellow and sticky but it has to try to help someone!

Spread Good Vibes, Demand the Best from Yourself, Carpe Diem!