Passionate Living Volume One: Cooking

A big part of living the life you want and deserve is being able to tap into your passions and enjoy what you do.  Each and every day and not just on “vacation” or “the weekend.”

But how does that happen?

Too many times it seems the only way we truly find our hot dog stand (passion) and live life to the fullest we have to travel around the world or give up our day job and start our own business.

I love traveling but I can’t do it 365 days a year.

There are a lot of people with awesome day jobs and we need them.  Teachers, firemen, sales people, graphic designers, and cooks.  Professional cooks but also amateur cooks!  See some of my amateur cooking work from last week in the picture above!

Over the coming Thursdays on here we are going to look at ways in which you can try out different things to live passionately.

Not just when you are on vacation or launch your own business…but each and every day.

Volume One: Cooking!

My friend Allan Karl rode a motorcycle around the world and gave us an incredible book called FORKS which gave me tons of recipes to make from scratch from different cultures and countries.

Tim Ferriss gave us the “Four Hour Body” and “Four Hour Chef” books which also contain tons of healthy yet tasty recipes.

These books reinvigorated my love for cooking.  I remember growing up and watching all of the unbelievable recipes my mother and grandmother made from scratch and watching in awe as they turned a few ingredients into a masterpiece.  I would watch, taste, help a little sometimes, and eat the masterpiece as fast as possible!

Decades later I have rediscovered that awe of cooking and I encourage you to give it a try.

Cooking from scratch, having a bottle of wine open, and turning on one of your favorite albums is a fun way to learn about the world, yourself, and the creation of food.

It gives you the chance to explore how to create something, how to mold things together that you might have not known go together, and an excellent opportunity to build on your relationships with family and friends.

Cooking can bring you and your family together at night.  Instead of takeout and watching TV cooking a recipe together from scratch gives you the chance to unwind and reconnect after a day.

But don’t feel like it just can happen for dinner.  Get your day started off right and make breakfast together or a fun snack for your day!

Healthy cooking and healthy eating is just one of many ways you can live passionately on a normal cold winter night that some might mark off as “just another boring Wednesday.”

If you need some ideas for recipes google and are here to help and either of the books I recommended above will give you a start.

It will remind you to treat food with care and that it isn’t just a magic wand when it shows up on your plate. 

And now a word from our sponsors…just messing!  More like our official disclaimer!

Do you still like to read?  I have two books available HERE.

Do you need more time in your life to prep for these awesome opportunities? The Efficiency Recipe is out!

Do you like to listen to incredible and inspirational people? My podcast archives has 30 of them to listen in too.

Thanks for being part of the crew; I’m glad you are hanging out here!

Spread Good Vibes, Demand the Best from Yourself, Carpe Diem.
