Ways to self improve or be inspired

I’ll be back here tomorrow with the standard marketing fun blog post but just a little food for thought today.

I’m a big advocate and member of Toastmasters.  It’s a global organization designed to help people overcome the fear of public speaking, become better leaders, improved listeners, and overall learn how to interact with people of all walks of life and offer positive constructive feedback each and every day.

That being said if you are looking for a way to be inspired or perhaps improve yourself in some manner I highly suggest you checking out a free Toastmasters contest.

I ran my “Area” contest this past Saturday and we had five speakers compete to advance to the “divisional” round.  (Just like March Madness!)

I was blown away…let me repeat that…blown away by each and every one of the speakers.

They showed their vulnerabilities and weaknesses, told stories that made me either choke up or be ready to take on anything life gets thrown at me, and finally the way in which to live a good life.

If I can be half as good as any of these five in the coming years I’ll consider myself a wild success.

The point here though is our contest was free and open to the public this past Saturday.  There are so many organizations, events, videos, books, and just moments that are offered in this world at absolutely no charge!

If self improvement or being inspired is something that is important to you…I encourage you to attend a Toastmasters contest or watch a “Karma Tube” video or head out for a shift at the food bank or just show up at a random 5k benefitting a cause and take part.

There are so many ways to have self improvement and inspiration become a bigger part of your life.  The doors to these places are almost always open.  But it does take the time to pack your bag, make the walk, and knock on the door…but I promise if you knock…you will be let in!

As I sat there this past Saturday completely spellbound by what I was witnessing for free it inspired me enough to share their story with you.

Now it’s your turn to get spellbound.  Make the most of it and enjoy your day!

Thanks for being part of the crew as always, I’m glad you are here!  Let me know any questions you have in how I can help you grow and thrive in your professional career in sales, marketing, efficiency, or personal branding at Mike@MarketingFunWithMike.com.

If you need help with finding your hot dog stand my BOOKS will help and if you finally are ready to free up 14 hours per week to live the life you want and deserve purchase and download a copy of my Efficiency Recipe for just $29.00 to get the ball rolling, and rolling fast!

Spread Good Vibes, Demand the Best from Yourself, Carpe Diem,
