It's Hard to Focus in and see

We have a crisis on our hands in the US and quite frankly the world.
Obesity is causing never before seen spikes in heart disease, diabetes, and could even be linked to cancers or Alzheimer’s (not proven though.)
People are dying, systems are breaking, and it’s only going to get worse if we don’t our hands wrapped around it.

With an issue this big it’s hard to focus in and see how you can be different or make a difference.
I’m trying to play my part and I’ve made some big changes in my diet in regards to sugar, cut out all types of pop, started a 97 day challenge that helped changes a half dozen’s people’s views on healthy and fitness but I still have a long ways to go in seeing through the changes I hope and believe can happen.

My friends at Live 2 Be Fit also get the issues but they’ve come up with a plan that is better than just telling your friends to exercise and stop eating crappy food.
Listen in to my newest podcast HERE with the Live 2 Be Fit folks who have had the courage to focus in and see what the healthier future could look like.

We cover what it takes to build something when it’s so hard to focus in because the big picture looms so heavily over us.

If you are looking for a little motivation in launching something you believe in listen HERE to the new podcast.

If you are looking for a little motivation in getting a healthier you going listen in HERE as well to the new podcast.

And if you are struggling with getting healthy…don’t give up.
Don’t ever give up.

Try to do a little bit more you did the day before with exercise and watching what you eat.  It won’t come off all at once and it doesn’t stay off if you don’t work at it.

But you can do it…I believe in you…believe in yourself!  And know you aren’t alone.

Special thanks to Live 2 Be Fit for coming on the show as the featured podcast this month and for the lifestyle changes they are helping people implement, listen in HERE!

And thanks to you for reading and hanging around here.
If you are ready to deplug, destress, and reenergize your life and need a guideline for how to do it purchase a copy of my Efficiency Recipe HERE and you won’t be sorry.

Headed out on a trip and looking for some reading material that might inspire you to tap into your passions more?  Both of my books are HERE for purchase.

Spread Good Vibes, Demand the Best from Yourself, Carpe Diem!