It Can Always Be Taught

Recently I have seen and heard some powerful examples backing up the thought process that “It can always be taught.”

On a positive side I have seen that love and kindness can always be taught  no matter the age.  One of the kids I coach in basketball has an 11 year old brother who helped facilitate a Make A Wish fundraiser for a different 11 year old kid.

On a not so good side we have seen examples of the hate that can be taught to people with the tragedy in Charleston and the fact that it took this long to create equality in marriage in all 50 of our states.

But it’s very clear that it can always be taught.

Which leads us to our lives and careers.   
We are concerned about becoming parents, about getting into great shape, starting a business, learning a new trade, and so forth.

If such powerful feelings of love and hate can be taught to people to do such incredible and terrible things then we certainly have the power to teach ourselves and those around us anything to better ourselves.

If we want to do something it’s time to stop the excuses and take the dedicated time to teach it to ourselves.
Start with ten minutes a day on whatever it is and do it every day.  Get it up to one to two hours per day, no excuses, and by the end of this year you will be where you want to be or at least far into your journey.

If an 11 year old can start a fundraiser to send his buddy to Atlantis in the Bahamas we can certainly as adults learn to become writers, get into shape, lose a fear, learn to dance or sing, or launch a business instead of just letting our hot dog stands sit on the sidelines of our life.

But it’s time to start.  Today.  Ten minutes.  No excuses.  It can always be taught.  GO.

Thanks for reading and hanging around here.  What else can you check out?

I have a new featured podcast with two time novelist Cory Idle, the action thriller/horror writer gives great insight into writing fiction and details on his newest book.  Listen HERE!

Want some of the 1 on1 treatment? Check out my grill out consulting sessions HERE!

Like to read or need more time to read? Both of my books are HERE for purchase and the Efficiency Recipe is just $29.00 HERE.

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Spread Good Vibes, Demand the Best from Yourself, Carpe Diem!