Summit of Greatness Revelations

Lewis Howes and an army of incredible speakers, staff, and volunteers just finished off their 1st Annual Summit of Greatness at the Southern Theatre last weekend.

(It also won’t be their last.  Year two is already booked for mid September 2017!)

Lewis is from Columbus, a current LA resident, and is a NY Times Best Selling Author.  Before he did that and before I wrote any hot dog books he was the founder of and I was writing sports marketing articles and presenting webinars for that community.

He continues to push his limits of growth and discovering his full human potential.  Which was the theme of the Summit of Greatness!

Here are my revelations from the event:

  1. Billionaire and former gang member turned serial entrepreneur and keynote speaker at the summit Ryan Blair told me when we were talking in the bathroom line to edit and rewrite my upcoming book three or four times if need be.  He’s had two NY Times Best Sellers.  Something tells me I might need to listen and it’s good advice for anyone who writes.
  2. Top Chef Star Fabio Viviani said “People complain because it gives them something to do.  Focus on you being better than the day before.”  This one hit home.  Recognizing the world isn’t perfect but taking a full role in spreading the negativity are two different things.  Maybe if you just focus on small steps of growth issues bigger than yourself get the chance to be solved.
  3. If you ever put on an event make sure you hire a drum line to intro each speaker.  Not sure if it was more empowering and inspirational for the crowd or the actual speakers!
  4. Dating expert Matthew Hussey remarked “You have value to give.  Some people might not want it.  If they don’t…who cares?!”  This revelation is the concept in my eyes to stay true to yourself and what you want to deliver.  Haters will hate but don’t let them get to you or take it so personally.
  5. My final revelation was each speaker had two things in common.  The first was total gratitude for everything that has happened to them.  The second is total acceptance of all people regardless of sex, race, age, gender, religion, or any other silly metric that would give someone an excuse to discriminate.  

In fact the entire audience seemed to be in the mindset of the final revelation.  

Good is possible.  Good in this world is very possible.  It’s actually happening right before our eyes.

But it takes hustle, heartache, and an open heart sometimes to find it.

A few other thoughts are I highly recommend checking out my raw food girl Kristina Carrillo-Bucaram to enhance your healthy lifestyle, know that former NFL punter Steve Weatherford could have been a linebacker and he kicked our butts in a sunrise CrossFit workout, if Kyle Maynard makes no excuses no one should, and finally Adam IN-Q is the most bad ass poet walking this Earth.

Anyone go to a great event or conference and have something inspiring they’d like to share about it?  Personal or Professional?

Leave a comment below!

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