Hanging out and listening

I had the honor of being the Toastmaster at my club’s 50th Anniversary Holiday Luncheon.

Above is a picture of the first speech ever given at the club in 1966.  I actually had the honor of meeting Bob in person a few months ago when he came through town and attended a meeting.

He brought along the speech and evaluation he still had (not sure if he is a Hoarder but how cool?!?!).

At the 50th Anniversary party every single person there (about 40 or so people) got up and spoke off the cuff for 1-2 minutes on a question they received.

Since I was the Toastmaster I got to just hang out and listen to an inspiring group of people talk about their ideas to change and improve the world.

I am in humble gratitude for having this opportunity.

For 90 minutes on a Thursday afternoon I just hung out and listened.  No cell phone, no email, no chatter.

Just hanging out and listening.  It might have been the most powerful thing I did all week.  Sometimes it’s good to just sit back and hang out and listen.
The stories I heard, the inspiration, the ideas, the powerful leadership, etc that was said can not be replicated in a blog post.  You just "had to be there."

Special thanks to my friends at Mid-Day Toastmasters who put this special day together and here’s to our next 50 years attempting to set the world on fire!

Hope you and yours have a special holiday season and a Happy New Year! (GO BUCKS on New Year’s Eve!)  Hang out and listen to those close to you this holiday season.

Get empowered HERE and let’s get after it together in 2017.

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