The Art of Selling without Selling

We had a sales rep come over to Hutchison Media last week.  A longtime friend of mine she wanted to come over and meet some of the other team at our media fusion agency.

Some businesses and agencies shy away from this.

“I don’t have the time.”

“They will waste my time.”

“Only I know what’s best for my client.”

There’s a laundry list of why we push off potential meetings with people.  And time is money and the only thing we can’t get more of in this world is time!  (Unless you create more available time from my Efficiency Recipe HERE.)

But she came over and three of us had a great conversation.  We barely talked about business for the first fifteen minutes but then we shifted to talking some ideas.  It wasn’t a pitch or a sale just a little brainstorming.

Next thing you know we had a great idea on the table for a client and we are going to present to the client in a week or two.

It’s the art of selling without selling.  Being normal, engaging in conversation, not pushing for a sale all the time, etc.  

Unfortunately it’s rare henceforth the word “art” to describe the process because it’s a precious rarity.

The client will win, we had fun catching up, and the sales rep will win.  If that all happens we win as well.

Try to sell without actually selling today.  It might land you a big deal.

That’s empowerment.  Join in on the fun at and I’ll see you on the inside.

Thanks for reading this blog and be sure to leave a comment if you feel so inclined or share with a friend if you enjoyed it!

Spread Good Vibes, Demand the Best from Yourself, Carpe Diem.

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