Considerations in selling media

The water can flow like in the waterfall above if you look at things in a different light from time to time.

Instead of selling a radio station by the price of a spot sell…

-The passionate listeners that show up to the events.

-The incredible community that supports the brands that align with the stations.

-Ideas that transform reputations in the industry.

-Turn key solutions that increase revenue.

-Results that can be seen and accounted for.

Instead of selling a TV station by cost for per listener sell…

-Anchors that are basically celebrities in the community.

-The ability to tell a story in a one on one conversation.

-Alliance with programs that has the whole area on the edge of their seat.

-Fundraisers that move the needle where you live.

Instead of selling media you could sell…





Like my man Andre 300 from Outkast said in Spottieopiedopalicious “It all depends on your interpretation of the situation.”

Let’s change the pace!  

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