The Creation of Something New
/It seems this day and age that everything has been created. That there is no need and no way to find a path to creating something new.
My friend and client Jered Seibert is forging down that path. He has created Warrior Wear, which is a male yoga apparel line.
He’s an incredible talent and a passionate individual who is creating something new that definitely solves a problem.
No longer will myself or the millions of other men (yes there are that many) will have to practice yoga in basketball shorts. I can’t wait to get my hands on the product.
If you practice yoga as a male or as a female now a gentlemen who does or you just want to help fund the creation of something new in this world he has a Kickstarter campaign going on HERE.
Fund the product or fund the vision of the creation of something new in a world that is incredibly hard to build a new unique idea in.
What do you want to create in this world that is new? A question to ask yourself as you leave this blog today!
Jered and male yoga practitioners around the world will be grateful for your support!