Ways that Advertising is Changing

  1. We have more traditional and digital options to consider than ever before.
  2. A lot of thought leaders are discovering that digital is just another traditional media.
  3. There are ways to cut out “clutter and fluff” in your advertising budget.
  4. The new shiny toys continue to come and go but the mainstay power are still fairly reliable (TV, radio, billboards.)
  5. Relationship and value driven social media marketing makes your advertising better.  It’s the new “word of mouth.”
  6. But the old word of mouth still works and will continue to move the needle.
  7. There are a lot of advertisers out there who have never heard of or considered mainstream traditional media’s.
  8. Many media reps don’t realize this.  This is an opportunity but also one that should be driven with truly out of the box ideas to get a business to consider it.
  9. There’s always been a group of businesses that just want to “get by” and those that want to “grow and thrive.”
  10. If possible you want to align and partner with the growers.  The ones that want to get by will have a reason why it doesn’t work.
  11. If you don’t eat your own dog food it’s going to be a long road.  
  12. Smoke and Mirrors still exists but everything can be measured to such a point that it’s really not necessary.
  13. Those willing to measure and manage their performance won’t always win with their performance but they’ll definitely win with respect and having the guts to do it.
  14. There are about 55 more changes I didn’t list.
  15. Their has to be about 7,500 more changes that I don’t even know about.

Advertising has always been changing, it will continue to change, and the best thing to do is embrace the change.

Grind it out, do good work, smile, ask for business every day, and fight like hell to improve the bottom line for everyone.

If you aim for those things then changes don’t matter all that much!

Thanks for reading and being part of the crew.  Get on the inside with my bi monthly videos HERE.

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