The Passionate Marketing Revolution Preview 2

A preview of the bottom portion of the back cover of the book!

If you missed preview 1 of my upcoming book The Passionate Marketing Revolution head HERE!

And if you would like to receive a special 72 hour early bird discount offer when the book is available in mid November then email me at and I’ll add you to the list!

Today’s preview is all about the book foreword!

My friend Don The Idea Guy wrote an amazing foreword for my first book but with him supplying some amazing Big Yellow Sticky Key Takeaways for this book I didn’t want to ask him to double dip.

I started thinking…why am I writing this book and how am I even in such fortunate circumstances to be able to write it?

Of course the fact that I was born in a wonderful country with two loving parents, a large support of family and friends, access to clean water, and a roof over my head gave me the kickstart that I am truly grateful to have received.  And unfortunately that is not the case for many people in this world.

But then I started to think beyond that into my professional career and I realized I have been blessed with having a relationship with every single one of my mentors/bosses/managers that I have worked with since college!

College was a long time ago for me :) so I consider that a true blessing.

I decided to figure out a way to have them all involved in this book and I landed on having each one of them (if they were willing of course) to write an answer to a question that I posed to them as the book foreword.

I thought what better way to start a book than to pay homage to my mentors who got me here in the first place and to allow them to speak on their experience with me and hopefully get people revved up for the first section of the book!

What was the question I asked each one of them?

"How have you made your marketing and work more fun in your career since Mike worked for you?”

I posed this question to my former boss at Boss Doggs hot dog stand (Eric), owner of CD102.5 where I interned in college (Randy), my first job out of school at QFM96 (Ross), my manager at 97.1 The Fan where I spent close to 7 years (Todd), the owner of Trident Design where I worked as director of sales and marketing (Chris), and my current business partner at Hutchison Media (Jeep.)

Are you ready for their answers??  I was blown away and I’m sure you will be to!

But you’ll have to wait until the book is available to get them.

Special thanks to them for taking part in this, for Don The Idea Guy and my wife in brainstorming on the right question to ask, and for all of you reading this and hopefully enjoying the journey leading up to the launch of my 3rd book: The Passionate Marketing Revolution!

I’ll be back soon with a preview of section one and email me if you want special access to the VIP Sales that will go from Monday November 20th thru Wednesday November 23rd.

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1. Publishing a Book Phase One

2. Publishing a Book Phase Two

3. Publishing a Book Phase Three

Spread Good Vibes, Demand the Best from Yourself, Carpe Diem
