The Passionate Marketing Revolution Book Preview 5

If you missed previews 1 thru 4 of my upcoming book The Passionate Marketing Revolution head HERE and scroll down to the "Publishing A Book" Series.

If you would like to receive a special 72 hour early bird discount offer when the book is available on November 20th then email me at and I’ll add you to the list!

Today’s preview is all about section two which centers around the concept of purpose.
Wendell Berry defined purpose pretty well in the above quote I believe.

When I first came up with the concept of adding new P’s to the traditional marketing strategy matrix a lot of people told me they figured “passion” would be one of them.  After all it’s in the title of the book and it’s a core theme in my business.

Passion is not of the new P’s in the Passionate Marketing Revolution.  However Purpose is and this is what section two of the book is all about!

You see Purpose is Passion all grown up.  Without purpose in a business and a marketing strategy you can’t properly function as a business.

Purpose is so vital to your growth as a company that I believe without it you’ll be swimming in circles.  

This section clearly identifies what purpose is and isn’t, gives examples of how to start employing that purpose in your marketing strategy, and offers key takeaways of understanding the importance and opportunities when you center your marketing strategy around purpose.

Passion is great but purpose will make everything go from a warm up trot to a full on sprint if understood correctly!

That’s your taste for section two.  I’m excited to share more on November 20th!

What is a company that you believe does a great job of utilizing purpose in their marketing strategy?  Give them a shout out in the comments!

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