The World Mercury Project Crowdfunding Campaign THINKTANK

I was told that we had an opportunity to do a crowdfunding campaign for Bobby Kennedy Junior and Robert DeNiro.

Not what I typically hear on a Monday morning at the Trident Design office.

It turned out we had a connection with a board member on their newly formed non profit The World Mercury Project.

The goal of the non profit is to lobby Congress and legislation to remove mercury from all child vaccinations.

I was offered the opportunity to enroll my crowdfunding team on doing this campaign at a discount below our normal pricing.  After reviewing the cause and being aware of the situation and the potential impact of what could be done we decided to take the project on.

I’m very happy we chose to take this project on.  First off we were able to raise over $50,000.00 USD in the first 30 days of the campaign!  The exposure that this non profit has received as a result of the campaign won’t be able to be measured for a number of years until the lifetime value of some of these donors has been determined.

There are a lot of different ways you can make an impact in this life and my team can now at least hang our hat on the fact that we raised a large sum of money for a very important non profit.

We were able to build this campaign and following for the campaign from the ground up.  Prior to November of 2016 this non profit did not have a website.

Here are three things it did have though:

  1. Vision! RFK Jr and numerous others in this world knew they wanted a world without mercury and declared they would do something about it.
  2. Leadership.  They built a strong board and internal team to begin the process of reaching their goals.
  3. Being open to opportunities.  A Kennedy doing a crowdfunding campaign was most likely a first.  But the World Mercury Project was open to it because of the value and change that could be created as a result of it.

Are you ready for some THINKTANK takeaways?

Sometimes it takes more than just yourself to launch an idea from the ground up.  RFK Jr had to build a board, internal team, and then a rabid following of people to support it.

One of the board members had to enroll the owner of Trident Design in this passion project, then Trident’s owner had to enroll me, then I had to enroll my team in taking on the campaign, and then we had to enroll the world in it through digital marketing!

Everyone came together from all walks of life and declared that together we could create something extraordinary.  The people made it possible!  

How did digital marketing play a role in this?

  • We built an email lead list of over 3,500 potential backers leading up to the launch date of the campaign.  
  • We ran Facebook Pay Per Click ads once the campaign launched that led to over 40% of our backers.  
  • Online influence marketing led to some very large donation sums from the communities that the influencer’s have created over years of nurtured relationship building.
  • Indiegogo’s inclusion of the campaign in a newsletter gave us 25 backers and over $2,000.00 from one newsletter.  They have built a community that opens their emails and then take action on them should they be interested.  It’s not an easy thing to curate.

Overall this passion project went from Dreaming to Declaring to Delivering in a matter of months.  It’s a HUGE issue in the world and the vision was far sweeping.  I would recommend you don’t squash any dreams you have until you test them out and see what’s possible.  

If someone told me six months ago I would be leading a team to raise $100k in 60 days for a new nonprofit started by a Kennedy and the star of GoodFellas I would have probably laughed.

It’s a reality and it’s only a reality because I remain open to every single possibility this world presents me.

Continue to be vulnerable, uncomfortable, open to growth, urgency, and ready to take massive action on your passion projects.

With digital marketing you can literally do anything!

Are you ready to join the Passionate Marketing Revolution?  Bi Monthly Videos on the THINKTANK Revolution can be had HERE.

Also if you are interested in my books on these topics go HERE and if you have any questions on this particular project or support in your own passionate marketing revolution I’m happy to chat at

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