The Defiant Ones...and more!

This blog post is a little roundup of what I have been digesting in the world and doing to help myself grow both personally and professionally.

Quick, to the point, and with the hopeful goal of giving you some new finds to get you revved up in the coming days!

  1. The Defiant Ones.  This four part HBO documentary nails it!  Dr. Dre, Eminem, Snoop, Bono, Tom Petty, Nine Inch Nails, Patti Smith, Marilyn Manson, 2PAC, and Bruce Springsteen all have one thing in common: They worked with producer Jimmy Iovine at some point in their award wining careers.  This one will get you fiery and ready to make an impact.  I love one of the final lines when Trent Reznor (Nine Inch Nails frontman and Creative Director for Apple Music) says to the audience to “Stop F’ing around with your life and go do something.”  Boo ya!
  2. The Promise of a Pencil.  Adam Braun’s story hits home and shows that we can do anything in this world.  It’s a fun, easy, and inspirational read about the growth of his awesome non-profit.
  3. Forks Over Knives.  A great documentary that once again hits home that food might just be the reason we have to fundraise to find cures to so many diseases in the current generations.  Be ready to make some changes if fully open to the watch.
  4. Rock Climbing.  There’s a climbing wall at Scioto Audobon Metro Park and I’m working on my bouldering skills.  Upper body strength and tough mental aptitude make this a great skill set to learn.
  5. The Tim Ferriss Podcast.  Keeps pumping out incredible listens!
  6. Jack Kerouac quotes!  On a recent trip to Great Basin National Park I stumbled upon a wonderful restaurant that gives you postcards with his quotes on them like in the picture above.  What a crazy cool dude!

Do you have anything that’s been working for you?  Throw it in the comments below for the whole community!

Thanks again for being here and reading this.  Shares are most welcomed and once again I’d be most grateful for any additions for the entire crew.

Email me at with further questions about any of these.

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