Volunteer Projects THINKTANK: Phase Ten

For the first nine phases of the Volunteer Project THINKTANK head HERE and scroll down to the Volunteer Projects category.
For those of you reading this blog for the first time or if you need a reminder the THINKTANK blogs are self starter projects that I am working on and building from the ground up.

I show you in phases the processes of my creations and activities and what is working and not working.

This particular THINKTANK is about my leadership and volunteering role with the Alzheimer’s Association headed into the hopeful raising of ONE MILLION DOLLARS on September 24th at the Central Ohio Walk.

Last Saturday I created and held a free yoga class with my friend Anne at my client’s studio Yoga On High.  There was a suggested donation to attend the class and even with us running up against an OSU Football night game in a city where Buckeye Football rules Saturdays we raised $615.00 for the one class!  It was an incredible class and I'm so grateful for all those who attended, donated, helped spread the word, donated prizes, and so much more!

I learned something rather interesting though in putting the event together and the promotion and execution of it that I believe is very important for any business owner or someone in marketing or a leadership role at a company.

What I learned was that the relationships that I have in my life were very important to the success of the event.

What I also learned was that Anne’s and my own’s hustling and grassroots marketing that we worked to spread to the yoga community was very important to the success of the event.

What I finally learned as well was that the digital Facebook ads that I ran to people that we did not have relationships with or know within the community was very important to the success of the event.

A lot of times I’ll have a client or a friend ask if it’s better to just do things grassroots, rely on your relationships, or promote through advertising.  To me this once again proves that the answer is all of the above and none by themselves.

You have to do it all!  If I wouldn’t have worked one of those silo’s the event would not have been as successful as it was without doing ALL OF IT.

That’s where we are at with business.  Just like in life…there are no magic pills for success.

If you want to lose weight you can’t just work out, you get to eat healthy and take care of your stress/mindset in life.

If you want to run a marathon you can’t just run to train, you get to stretch, do yoga, and do spikey ball and foam roller restorative tissue massages.

Work all angles and keep hustling…that’s what I learned and I hope you can remember the next time you are creating or putting on an event!

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I’m always grateful for shares and comments.  Thanks for reading and being here.

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