The Passionate Running Revolution

There is more to a race than just putting together a course, having a water station, and giving people a banana at the finish line.

Yes those are all items you will need to do in some capacity when putting together a race but if you really want to create something special, grow it each and every year, and have the impact you are hoping to make it from it you’ll get to dial in your skills that goes so far beyond just people running in your race!

Welcome to the Passionate Running Revolution.  Myself and eleven of my friends were part of one of 84 teams in the 2nd Annual Buck Fifty Race this past weekend.

This challenge relay endurance race involves 10 members each running 3 legs over the span of 18-27 hours depending on how fast you can complete it. (There’s an “elite/ultra” group as well that would double the number of legs each individual is responsible for.)

These legs include trail runs, night runs in the pitch black, and country roads with high winds and possibly rain.  Throw in little to no sleep and you have the recipe for a true physical and mind buster of an event!

Today’s blog is less about how amazing the event is (join us in 2019!) but more about a multitude of examples of what the Buck Fifty does that make a difference in the marketing of the event and connection points with the runners to make it so much more than a race.

When they do this the Passionate Marketing Revolution comes to life and I believe they’ll able to continue to experience the rapid growth and massive impact they have already had in their first two years.

If you live in Central Ohio and want to work on the implementation of this revolution in your work join me HERE at the next Marketing Mastery Club.
If you don’t grab a copy of the book and dig in HERE.

What are some of the items The Buck Fifty does to implement the Passionate Marketing Revolution into their race in my eyes?

  1. They run the legs themselves prior to the race to understand and know what people are in for.
  2. They require you to fill out detailed pace projections, the wearings of several safety items when doing night runs, and recommendations on transportations of the van support team (including driving instructions for the van drivers from leg to leg.)
  3. Enrolling hundreds of volunteers from the community that the race is held in to support the runners and the staff of the race.  From the fire department to the Kiwanis Club to random groups of people they make the race truly special at each stop.
  4. The race’s greater mission is keeping kids drug free in the community by joining a program they sponsor.  They have those kids put the medal around your neck at the finish line.
  5. Hand written thank you cards to every member of the team.
  6. Homemade cookies from the hotel staff that we stayed at.
  7. Safety video and detailed checkins and registration of all team members including the van drivers to ensure as much accountability as possible from all entrants.
  8. Motorcycle drivers and amber safety vehicles out on the course at all times but especially in the middle of the night.
  9. The people who put on the race know the runners.  They mingle and connect with them and I spoke to both the race director and a member of the board at length at different points of the race.  They are connecting with people and building relationships with the teams.
  10. Constant and detailed communication leading up to, during, and post race.  Last year they did surveys of the participants, listened to their feedback, and made improvements to an already outstanding event.

These seem like a lot of work and extra dedication to do.  You are right it is.  To succeed in leaving a legacy and making an impact in creating something that people deem worth spreading though it’s what you have to do.

It’s worth every second of it I believe; and I’m sure if you asked them they would agree.

The Buck Fifty is just one example of the Passionate Marketing Revolution at work; I’m excited for what they have created and can’t wait to be at the starting line again in 2019!

What have you seen at an event that seems to go above and beyond the event itself that creates a connection with its participants?

I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!  Thanks for reading the blog and being a part of my community.

If you are seeking to put this revolution to work at your business or company I’m available for workshops and speaking engagements.  Check out my speaking info HERE.

Related Posts

1. The Power of the People

2. Email Marketing Done Right

3. Buck Fifty Team Captain THINKTANK: Part Four

Spread Good Vibes, Demand the Best from Yourself, Carpe Diem!
