The extra steps of Marketing

The above picture and words is probably my favorite testimonial or compliment or whatever you would like to call it that I have ever received from a client of mine.

It's a piece of wood.  My yoga studio (yes it's mine in that I only practice elsewhere if I'm not in Columbus; it's not mine in the literal sense) was forced to move their space this week.  They open anew this week and there was months of work and planning that went into this.
One thing they did was if you donated to their Go Fund Me page to support some of the construction costs and renovations (all listed on their page) you would get a board underneath the main floor with your name on it.  They added a little yoga energy to mine when they wrote it out and I was honored to have them think of me in this way.

Hopefully sometime centuries from now a group of wonderful people (or advanced animals or aliens!) living in what is currently known as Columbus Ohio will find these pieces of wood and feel the energy that was created in this yoga studio.
For now it's an extra step of marketing.  They could have just moved into a new studio, they could have just asked for some donations and did a thank you post, and they could have not made such a strong story share of the emotions and feelings the move put on their community.

A lot of businesses say they want to do things like this but don't act on it.  These are the extra steps of marketing.  When you take extra small steps like this you show that you stand for the people of your community (both your team and your customers) and your purpose in the world.  You create connection with people to the point that a final class at the old studio had a waitlist of over 25 people and was filled to capacity with 110 yogi's.

The extra steps of marketing allow you to create this love and energy.  I have been blown away by the stories and love that have been shared as this studio has closed its doors to move into its new space.
The crazy things is the new studio is just two blocks away and they already do the teacher trainings and workshops there.  We've all been there!  Yet we have this emotion and this feeling.

My two cents: It's not the physical space that we are emotional about saying goodbye to.  It's the lives that have been transformed, joy that has been created, lifelong friends that have been curated, and love that has been built within those walls.
To me it's more about honoring all of that and not letting go of it and ensuring it transfers over to the new studio.

I have no doubt that it will when the doors open tomorrow.  They do every single extra step of marketing that is required and when you do that things tend to start to take care of themselves!

Are you taking the extra steps in your marketing? What's another example of your eyes of someone going that extra step to curate an authentic relationship with their community?
Please comment below!
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Thanks for reading and being a part of my community, I hope you feel that I take the extra step every day to fill you with value about marketing and advertising strategy and the feeling that you are wanted, loved, and welcomed here.

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Spread Good Vibes, Demand the Best from Yourself, Carpe Diem.