Some Like It Organized

Are you ready to get 14 more hours per week to live the life you want and deserve?
That's #2MoreHours per day (Tweet that!) and if you've been around here lately you'll see on my blog and social media some of the fun everyone's been having in promoting the upcoming Efficiency Recipe.
The Efficiency Recipe will get you those hours through a 25 step journey we will go on together.
In addition to the recipe there are awesome bonuses that will be included with your purchase (or a freebie which you can enter to win by heading HERE!)
Some of the bonuses include my top three takeaways each case study had that can help you, an awesome cheat sheet to hang on your desk when you done with the program,
and a motivational calendar to get you all jacked up each and every day!
Last week I talked about the awesome 15 minute bonus video global sales speaker Anthony Iannarino is including for you, here's the post if you missed it.

Today I'm going to tell you a little bit about another awesome bonus from professional organizer (literally she's certified in Feng Shui!) and founder of Some Like It Organized Michelle Powell!
Michelle and I did a great podcast a week or two back and you can listen in HERE to our confo.
Michelle is a wonderful person and is bringing a whole added dimension to the Efficiency Recipe.  She literally helps people breathe life into their homes each and every day.
To be a professional organizer you have to do much more than just be efficiency and that's what Michelle does in and out.

Here's the best part too!  Michelle wants to help you more than just on this bonus.  
Below is what she put in the final page of her bonus:

"I am so passionate about helping ambitious folks create more balance, joy and meaning in their life and space, so I hope you have found great value in this information. If you would like to dive deeper into any of these areas 1 on 1, I have set aside some special time in my calendar for Mike’s participants. I invite you to join me for a complimentary 45 minute Inspiration Session where together, we will uncover your blocks, discover your real motivation and ignite inspiration + action for you to move forward on where you feel stuck. We will have so much fun! I am making this special bonus offer available to only 5 people, first come first serve. Email me at to take advantage of this."
(Only available for people who purchase the Recipe :).)

Can you hear the passion?! 
It's pretty easy to see how we dig each other's styles.  This info will be included in her bonus as well so make sure you sign up HERE to get the lowest price when it's available.
What does Michelle's bonus have in store for us? 
She's going to do a five step program covering "comprehensive efficiency" in five different areas.
The bonus is in my possession and it's extraordinary stuff, which is not a term we use lightly around here!

Below is a little sneak preview with the first of the five steps "Lifestyle: Know your WHY".
"They say you won’t get anywhere in life if you don’t know where you’re going. Completely true, albeit cliché. No successful person ever said they got to the top by wandering aimlessly and doing whatever popped up in the moment. They will tell you to focus on what you want and make sure everything you do moves you towards it. Having focus is definitely a source of great leveraging power, but where does this ambition come from? Values and beliefs.
What do you stand for? Why are you doing what you’re doing? Why did you choose the career you are in or the partner that you’re with? Get to know what you greatly value in this world and embody that to your best ability. Each choice we make casts a vote for our future, so if our efficiency and inevitably our success is important to us, it has to come down to priorities. Make sure everything you choose to do, be and focus on is in honor of your ‘why’."

Are you excited yet?!  I hope so, I definitely am!
Make sure you sign up HERE to get your hands on the first recipes available and make sure you visit her website because this is just a small part of what she's providing in the Efficiency Recipe and does on a day in day out basis.
Thanks for being here and I wish you and yours a wonderful holiday season.  Perhaps you will get a 2nd copy of the Efficiency Recipe for a friend who has something they want to accomplish in this world but needs the time to do it.

Spread good vibes, demand the best from yourself, Carpe Diem!